Tragedy on Martha’s Vineyard refers today, not to the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, but to fifty illegal immigrants airlifted in from Florida.
The FBI continues to lose prestige and moral authority as three cases go sour. But it is also behaving like a 2000 year old secret police.
The Department of Homeland Security began extra-constitutionally and as an instrument of tyranny in 2001. Now it is returning to that theme.
The world's elites are killing the golden goose of national economies, to create a world with many fewer people in it to threaten them.
The International Standards Organization will come up with a new gun store Merchandise Category Code. This is not a favor to anyone.
The Biden Administration plays out like an episode of The Twilight Zone - say, "The Eye of the Beholder" or any of many others.
Still think we're better off under this pResident? He threw a wild party on the White House lawn, and the stock market tanked.
The best government would follow Christian precept, which tells you not to kill, lie, cheat, steal, or covet. Who could object to that?
Judge Roy Moore won a $8.2 million damage award in a case in which a TV station slandered him and cost him his election in 2017.
The Democrats have put in place a policy of law and disorder. This is another important reason to oppose them this Midterms.