Israel receives some of its worst criticism, not from its military enemies, but from the media, including some of its own organs. Israel in the media...
Israel did not steal any of its lands. Jews, as far back as Abraham and Jacob, bought them. In some cases they bought it back. Ancient...
After the Netanyahu speech to Congress today, the Palestinians now must prove that they want peace. And they might have proved the opposite. The Netanyahu speech...
Everyone knows that the Obama Israel policy is anti-Israel. They probably forgot that it was always that way. The Obama Israel policy: from the horse’s mouth...
The Obama AIPAC speech did not help make Obama’s Israel policy any clearer or more comforting to friends of Israel. Obama AIPAC Speech: contents Yesterday (May...
The so-called 1967 Israel borders have no basis in fact, history, or even popular support among ordinary “Palestinian” residents. But don’t tell that to certain political...
The long-awaited Obama speech will do nothing but throw billions of US taxpayer dollars at the Middle East and make war even more likely.
Newt Gingrich said some very un-conservative things today, and ruined his reputation by doing it. And he might never undo the damage.
Evolution rules in public schools today, and school instructors teach uncritical acceptance, not critical examination. A CNAV contributor suggests an alternative, one that challenges evolution on...
Disclaimer: Before beginning, I want to make two things clear: I am not, nor have I ever professed to be a prophet; I do not own,...