I question why the CNSNews website won’t provide an online facility which allows web readers to contact them with a suggestion or comment box. From my...
As I think about the appalling lack of coverage given to Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation regarding Obama’s fraudulent citizenship, the words of an old song go...
Are Ron Paul and MItt Romney allied? Or is a certain leftist blog suggesting that merely to provoke more dissension in the Republican rank and file?...
Are liberals really smarter than conservatives? Or are libertarians smarter than anyone else? A recent column in The Daily Mail suggests so. True or not, it...
Several social scientists have published studies in the last two years pretending to show that liberal intelligence is somehow superior. That is, that liberals are smarter...
Who can beat Obama? That seems to be the most important question during the race for the Republican nomination. Although the question has remained the same,...
Rick Santorum is the strongest conservative in the 2012 Presidential race. He means what he says, and has a sound and disciplined record.
Glancing down at his notes every few seconds Mr. Obama managed to get through what looked like the worst drudgery of his day at the National...
CNAV will go on strike, effective midnight tonight, in protest against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA). These measures are...
Flying rumors saying that Mitt Romney is a Mexican national are false and misleading. Mitt Romney is a natural-born citizen of the United States. As such...