For the past two decades I have been guarding my mind and spirit against believing in conspiracy theories. They always seemed to be so far-fetched that...
Editor’s note: Ever notice that the best way to teach moral principles to a child is to use anthropomorphized animal characters? What if two real, live...
From an intellectual perspective, signs of America’s decline appeared with the advent of Progressive Movement toward the end of the 19th century. The most prominent leader...
Fresh off his last Conservative bashing, Sunday morning TV appearance, Colon, oops, Colin Powell the single biggest hypocrite in American politics, has once again shown the...
It is said that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. While listening to the details about Congress’ latest financial deal, along...
Since the horrendous murder of those innocent children in Sandy Hook there has been much written as well as many heated debates about gun control and...
The Newtown tragedies have left an indelible mark on our national psyche. It is hard to fathom evil that is so vile as to assault the...
The prayers of all good Americans go out to the innocent victims and their families that had to deal with the horror perpetrated by an act...
Many of us rightfully associate the words “Give me liberty or give me death” with Patrick Henry’s famous speech. I encourage you to read the speech...
It has been a few days now since the cold blooded killings of those poor little children at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. As...