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Great Sortation gets Mainstream Media attention
The Great Sortation got the attention of The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times. Could it lead to secession?
The Great Sortation – or, as one blogger calls it, the Great Schism – now has gone mainstream. The New York Times talked of new laws driving “red States” and “blue States” apart. But it also talked of people moving to States with laws they like and neighbors on the same page. Has the country taken a road to a formal split?
The Great Sortation – impetus
The New York Times published this provocative piece ten days ago. The site Euvolution, for whatever reason, reproduced the article almost completely here. Two apparent leftist blogs, called Political Wire and The Schwartz Report, have links to it. So does the more conservative blog Get Religion.
Briefly, the Times makes this point. The Great Lefty Firewall that was the Supreme Court under Chief Justices like Earl Warren and Warren Burger has collapsed. Though John Roberts can’t make up his mind where to come down, five of his colleagues have. Call it the Thomas Court, with Clarence Thomas as acting Chief Justice, with Justices Alito, Barrett, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh joining. (This also is the real reason the Democrats want to remove Clarence Thomas from the bench through impeachment. But CNAV digresses.)
This “Thomas Court” is considering two cases, from Texas and Mississippi, that could result in a reverse on Roe v. Wade. Justice Thomas said for the record that the Court erred in that decision. So as these two cases go toward oral argument, at least one Democratic Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, has filed suit to force a strike-down of a law that would automatically come into force and effect should the Court overturn Roe. She can’t just ask for a repeal, because she faces a Republican legislature. But Democratic legislatures in California, Colorado, and elsewhere are codifying a “right” to abortion.
From abortion to …
But abortion is not the only hot-button issue. Republican legislatures have already passed, and in most cases Governors have signed, new laws on election integrity. Democrats cry, “Voter suppression!” So they are likely to pass laws to codify practices like unattended drop boxes and ballot harvesting for which too many governors gave executive orders during the COVID bout. If, as most patriotic Americans suspect, those practices are why we have a President Biden, those Republican legislatures don’t want a repeat of that in Midterms or especially in the next Presidential election.
For their part, Democrats realize this unfortunate fact – or maybe their big fat mistake. The flip of the Presidential election had very limited effects down-ticket. In 2021, Democrats used that to “prove” Biden didn’t steal the election. But, CNAV is sure, Nancy Pelosi must have wanted to strangle whoever arranged to stuff those drop boxes and undervoted so many of the ballots that the country effectively voted a split ticket.
More recently, Florida passed its anti-grooming act. We’ve already discussed the part Disney is playing in that drama, and the lawsuit they might face. But more to the point, Texas authorities are investigating, for child abuse, any parents who submit their children for surgical mutilation and hormonal poisoning. So California, among other States, has new laws now pending to give such parents sanctuary. The Times article talks of one parent taking advantage of that.
Evidence of the Great Sortation
That the two kinds of State could pass their legislation so easily, is evidence that the Great Sortation has been taking place for some time. Only two State legislatures, Maryland and Virginia, have split control. (And the only reason for the split in Virginia is that the Virginia Senate did not come up for re-election in the Great Virginia Pre-Midterm.) Of the other legislatures, Republicans control thirty outright, and Democrats the remaining eighteen. And Republicans are about to sweep Congress – that is, unless this administration suspends elections.
With Big Tech platforms censoring conservative opinion, and big companies siding with the left, a Parallel Marketplace is already forming. Left-wing people can’t seem even to have a civil conversation with the rest of us. The New York Times seems to think they’re now moving to places where they don’t have to.
Those same people are having to downsize, because housing costs are off the charts in California and such places. But U-Haul still gives them an incentive. Test U-Haul truck rentals between Los Angeles, California, and New Braunfels, Texas. It now costs about three times as much to rent a truck to move to Texas as to California. Which shows you that plenty of people are moving out.
And those people aren’t taking their blue State politics with them. The Los Angeles Times scornfully cries good riddance on California move-outs. They wouldn’t do that if the move-outs were voting blue.
Further evidence: the Jesusland Map
Leftists have expressed a fear of a Great Sortation since 2004, when George W. Bush beat John Kerry. Someone on a site called YakYak drew a map of North America (except for Mexico). On it, he colored in “The United States of Canada” in magenta. It contained all of Canada, plus the States of California, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. These (plus Hawaii, which his map did not show) were most of the States that Kerry carried. Every other State he colored in blue-green. He then called this aggregate “Jesusland.”
In August of 2007, User Lokal Profil on Wikimedia Commons redid the Jesusland map, with:
- Red and blue colors corresponding to red and blue as we use them today,
- Hawaii added in blue as an inset, and
- Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland in blue, with the other “United States of Canada” States.
In that same month, he then produced such a map with Alberta Province joined to Jesusland. Personally, your editor would suggest adding Saskatchewan as well. Maybe the States of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania should also join, with Colorado blue and Maryland in hatchmarks. Then the map would be perfect.
Legal disclaimers
Now some information for the legal eagles. The original Jesusland Map comes under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-alike 3.0 Unported License. Lokal Profil’s two versions come under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-alike 2.5 Generic License.
Will the Great Sortation split the country?
All this leads to a serious question of whether the country, and maybe the continent, will split in a manner closest to the latest Lokal Profil Jesusland map. Face it: the Democratic Party today is Communist in all but name. Why Gus Hall hasn’t merged his Communist Party USA into the Democratic Party, CNAV can’t explain. Maybe he doesn’t want to argue with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over who gets to be Party SecGen. On the other hand, Republicans, with a little primary pruning, could become the party of an American civilizational state.
Until last month, Texit was an open question. The Texas Republican Primary was as close to a Texit referendum as you could get. Texit lost – because Allen West and Dan Miller, its two proxies, lost.
This time. Four years from now, they could try again. And if Biden and company pull any COVID shenanigans as they did in 2020, they might win. Or Governor Abbott might get fed up and join Texit himself.
How the Great Sortation could lead to a split
What about the blue States? Well, right now some conservatives are pushing a very foolish thing: an Article Five Convention of States. If they get thirty-four States, bet on Blue Darth Spooky Dude Soros hijacking enough State delegations to rewrite the Constitution. They’ll call it a Charter for the North American Polity. In that happy camp, you really will “own nothing and be happy.” Their laws will allow abortion on demand and even infanticide thirty days after birth. They also will plan to intervene to groom children for alternative lifestyles – including surgical mutilation and hormonal poisoning.
And then this runaway convention will end their new charter this way:
The ratification of this Charter by ten States, shall be sufficient to establish this Charter among those States so ratifying the same.
First up to join: California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington State, Illinois, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, and Delaware.
Then Allen West would step forward, as President, not only of the Republic of Texas, but of a confederation of all States who don’t join the North American Polity. (Actually, its first Director General, AOC, will want to call it “Nuevo Aztlán.”) Up go the roadblocks and checkpoints. Texas has its own mini-civil war, and President West puts a whole bunch more people on buses. They’ll be streaming out of Austin, all the way to Washington, D.C. Governors Youngkin and Justice (of West Virginia) will then mobilize their National Guards.
What next
What happens after that, is anyone’s guess. President West would almost certainly withdraw from NATO and the UN. The leaders of Alberta and Saskatchewan could indeed petition to join the “new” United States.
And then, in worst case, the Great Sortation could turn into a flat-out, blood-and-flames war. Somehow CNAV doesn’t expect the New World Empire, a/k/a the World Economic Forum, to let this go quietly. We could also see where China and Russia, two of Dr. Steven Turley’s other “civilizational states,” really stand. India will stay neutral. China might still see itself as the Middle Kingdom to Rule the World. When the war starts for the North American continent, they’ll make their move, if they’re going to. Russia will watch. Very closely.
If war does not break out, then in a generation or two the continent could reunite. Why? Because the laws and policies of Nuevo Aztlán and a truncated Canada are not pro-civilizational. Live births will fall below replacement level. Canada will lose the semi-autonomous unit of Nunavut, which will rename itself Inuit Nunangat – or, less politically correct, Eskimoland. Everywhere else but in the new United States, populations will dwindle. Then the United States would take those land areas back. Whether the cycle might begin again, we’d just have to wait and see.
Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.
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[…] Links to: The article: link to cnav.news; […]
[…] of security in Court history. More to the point, if this opinion becomes the majority opinion, the Great Sortation will have even more impetus. That is, if someone did not leak it to forestall that […]
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