The American political left is losing many members of its core constituencies, who now seek satisfaction of their needs - from Donald Trump.
The Kamala Harris campaign shows every sign of dying, with people already blaming one another for the inevitable loss.
Today saw a study in contrasts between the real candidate of the people, and a pale imitation who cannot connect to the people.
The American electorate has a religious divide, between those who adhere to religion and those who disrespect it, and its adherents.
Kamala Harris cannot win honestly, so if she's to win at all, it will be by the Big Cheat. Here is how that might happen.
Kamala Harris turned in the most disastrous interview in Presidential campaign history. Watch out for the Big Cheat, which is Plan B.
Elon Musk has emerged as the wild card in American politics, after California officials drove him out - and he relocated to Texas.
The Democrats have admitted that Kamala Harris has already lost, and are preparing to win the Election of 2024 in court.
Democrats are acting with an insultingly patronizing attitude, and more of their traditional constituents are rejecting them for that reason.
Florida faced a choice in an extreme weather emergency, and chose liberty over tyranny and futile attempts to preserve centralization.