Gary Weiss (Ayn Rand Nation: the Hidden Struggle for America’s Soul) fears what an “Ayn Rand world” would look like. We should all fear a “Gary...
Saul Alinksy may be gone but his tactics live on. The intolerance of those on the left who preach tolerance is truly astounding. As they seek...
People will talk non-stop about health care reform for three months. That’s how long the Supreme Court will take to decide the two cases that came...
Are Ron Paul and MItt Romney allied? Or is a certain leftist blog suggesting that merely to provoke more dissension in the Republican rank and file?...
Are liberals really smarter than conservatives? Or are libertarians smarter than anyone else? A recent column in The Daily Mail suggests so. True or not, it...
Several social scientists have published studies in the last two years pretending to show that liberal intelligence is somehow superior. That is, that liberals are smarter...
Several TEA Party activists, and others who call themselves Patriots, do not accept the status quo and want a third party to replace the Republicans and...
Do you remember the days when our representatives went to D.C. to do what was right by the American people? Both parties had their philosophies but...
Words are an essential part of how we communicate with each other. We can create alternate realities in novels just by using words. We can develop...
The so-called 1967 Israel borders have no basis in fact, history, or even popular support among ordinary “Palestinian” residents. But don’t tell that to certain political...