To get some relief from the current and unheroic Prime Minster of Israel, let us recall the wisdom of his brother Jonathan (z”l), the fallen hero...
This election cycle, and especially the Republican primary cycle, has proven to be thought-provoking, as well as revelatory.
Over the last several years, the citizens of the United States have become increasingly concerned about globalist cabals conspiring to decimate the sovereignty of our beloved...
After reading the TPATH article, “No More Debates: an Unsolicited Suggestion for Donald J. Trump,” and being a TPATH contributor who no longer supports Donald Trump,...
After the last Republican debate Marco Rubio began calling Donald Trump a con man.
It is often easier to see the flaws in someone else’s logic than to be able to spot it in your own. Jesus had something to...
While this has been a very interesting presidential campaign cycle, it has also been a disturbing one. I have seen many passionate patriots, many of whom...
So many issues, so little time, which is why I am studiously avoiding any issues about Hillary other than that voice!
The present writer, an American-born citizen and former officer in the United States Air Force, hereby offers an unsolicited endorsement of Senator Ted Cruz for the...
I watched Bret Baier interview Donald Trump about eminent domain. I am one of many Americans whose property is under assault by government (NJ), that thinks...