The WHO Pandemic Treaty threatens freedom of expression by requiring management of information as if that could be a disease.
Eighteen Democrats want the federal government to place another hook in Texas by taking over its electric grid. Texas should say NO.
Will the Democrats replace Joe Biden with Michelle Obama in a September Surprise? They’ve done it many, many times before.
Donald Trump must make this election a referendum on incumbent Joe Biden, and address the fear the incumbent has instilled in him.
The border security issue exploded with three major events in rapid succession: a bad Senate bill, secession sentiment, and an impeachment.
Democrats are already dividing over Joe Biden, with some trying to excuse (or deny) his infirmity, and others wanting him off the ticket.
The one border question Democrats can't answer is, why haven't they shut down the border when existing law clearly allows it?
Censorship news covers two major lawsuits (Berenson v. Biden and Murthy v. Missouri), and White House non-compliance with subpoenas.
Two trustees of the Calvin Coolidge Foundation remember the Election of 1924 and draw parallels between it and this year's election.
Special Counsel Robert Hur, perhaps in trying to let Biden off easily, made it official: Biden cannot lead.