Donald Trump is defying the Secret Service, as he has defied the odds all his life, and beaten them. That's showing how it is done.
Republicans are assuming too much in the Trump-Harris matchup and neglecting their campaigns down-ticket. That way lies disaster.
A retired SEAL identifies President Joe Biden as a "single point of failure" without backup, and says leadership is lacking.
Biden's ObamaCare expansions could cost another $383 billion that the country can scarcely afford at a time of record debt.
Vice-President Kamala Harris has more than doubled the enthusiam of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party.
President Joe Biden did address the nation, to explain his withdrawal from the election, but spoke barely above a whisper. And where's Jill?
President Joe Biden finally admitted that his 52-year political career is over, and touted his achievements.
On paper, Kamala Harris loses many of Biden's disadvantages, and has some other advantages Biden never had.
Democrats - and the Secret Service - are making facile suggestions that will serve only their own agendas, not anyone's security.
Unlike Joe Biden, Kamala Harris lends herself readily to Internet memes, which helps her get the attention of young voters.