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The Unbridgeable Gender Gap

American voters have divided along a seemingly unbridgeable gender gap, over abortion and critical sex theory.



Election Season is nine days away (as availability of absentee ballot applications in some Pennsylvania counties). Coverage of the Election of 2024 continues to suggest bleak prospects for the Democratic “upper ticket.” Vice-President Kamala Harris bused supporters from Massachusetts to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, then couldn’t send them home on time. Gov. Tim Walz (D-Minn.) has lost the loyalty of most of his extended family and also faces official questions about his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. But yesterday the Cable News Network highlighted what they considered another problem. The majority of men support Donald Trump; the majority of women support Kamala Harris. This Gender Gap has existed in American politics arguably since women won the vote in 1920. Now CNN fears it will cost Harris the election. Perhaps she has only herself to blame – but perhaps men finally got wise to a reality they have long ignored – until today.

Magnitude of the Gender Gap

Mike LaChance at The Gateway Pundit discussed the Gender Gap and CNN’s coverage of it late last night. He cited Alexander Hall’s report on Fox News Channel. Hall describes Harris as “struggling to win over non-college-educated White men in six battleground states.” These are Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Then Hall quotes David Chalian, CNN’s political director:

If you look at the White voters without college degrees, this is a Trump base constituency, obviously. You see his huge numbers with this group, you see that this is a trouble sign for Harris. She also in places like Georgia is not doing well with White college-educated voters. She probably wants to make up some ground with White college-educated voters across these battlegrounds as well.

Then Chalian addresses the Gender Gap directly:

Female voter preferences in battleground states
Female likely voters in six battleground States

Among female likely voters in these states, you see, this is a seventeen-percentage point lead and Wisconsin among female voters for Harris, a sixteen percentage point lead in Michigan, you see it gets more narrowed down here in Arizona.

Male voter preferences in battleground states
Male likely voters in six battleground states

But the flip side of that, is male voters! You‘ve seen Donald Trump’s advantage, very significant with male voters. Eighteen points in Nevada, fifteen-point advantage in Pennsylvania. That’s the gap when we talk about the gender gap. Harris’ advantage with women in addition to Trump‘s advantage with men and who wins that battle, who extends that advantage, could have a lot to say in these battleground states.

The problem, according to LaChance, is that CNN wouldn’t even be talking about this, did they not worry that Trump has a greater advantage with men than has Harris with women. As those two video frames show, Trump’s advantage with men more than balances Harris’ advantage with women. The difference is slight, but could indeed decide who carries those States – and with them, the Presidency. These two posts illustrate the problem – and the likely cause.

Note what that female influencer said:


Ladies, we really need to show up in Roevember!

“Roevember.” This goes to the one substantive policy prescription the Democrats have to run on: abortion on demand. The impetus for that can come from only one source: single women. But why wouldn’t the single men agree with them on that? After all, abortion on demand solves their obvious problem with the consequences of extramarital sex, i.e., adultery and fornication. So what has happened to convince men to have nothing to do with Kamala Harris?

Critical sex theory

The answer is critical sex theory and intersectionality. Intersectionality holds that any “diversity box” a person can check off, counts toward one’s status as an oppressed person. Likewise, any “diversity box” unchecked counts toward marking that person as an oppressor.

Critical theory derives from the Marxist class-struggle theory of history. It places all human beings into various classes, and scores them accordingly. Its operational definition is a set of dire precepts:

  • Racist ≡ white.
  • Sexist ≡ male.
  • Homophobic ≡ heterosexual.
  • Transphobic ≡ cisgendered.

(The symbol ≡ is a mathematical operator that translates into simple English as “is identical to.”)

So where does a heterosexual and cisgendered white male go? Nowhere. He is ostracized. Canceled. Despised. Rejected. Ask Matthew Winans, who, for Real Clear Politics, described his experiences as a disabled veteran applying to medical school. “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” is an exclusionary concept. It excludes all but those who can “check off” at least one “diversity box.”

Sooner or later, single men were bound to recognize that the Democratic Party were their enemies. That goes double when the Party has a woman at the top of the ticket. And not just any woman, but a cackling, raving maniac.


James Carville warned his fellow Democrats five and a half months ago:

A suspicion of mine is that there are too many preachy females … “Don’t drink beer, don’t watch football, don’t eat hamburgers, this is not good for you.” The message is too feminine: “Everything you’re doing is destroying the planet. You’ve got to eat your peas.”

Or maybe, “Drop dead!”

If you listen to Democratic elites — NPR is my go-to place for that — the whole talk is about how women, and women of color, are going to decide this election. I’m like: “Well,forty-eight percent of the people that vote are males. Do you mind if they have some consideration?”

They’re not getting any. What they are getting, are words and gestures that bear no mention in polite company. Or they get something like this:

War of the Sexes

Men have been getting that treatment since 1968. More than student demonstrations against the Vietnam War broke out in that year. That year also saw the beginning of “Women’s Liberation,” with screeds talking about how, for example:

All men keep all women in a state of fear. Susan Brownmiller, Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape

Democrats have observed the Gender Gap, again, ever since 1920 and the Nineteenth Amendment. Indeed women activists predicted the Gender Gap since shortly after the War Between the States, beginning with the Temperance Movement.


The Gender Gap has manifested most strongly since 1968, and in fact Roe v. Wade was its first achievement. Even that didn’t satisfy the most radical of women. Radical, indeed – for at the root they came to hate men, even as they often used them. That’s when the popular literature saw the first expressions of the future for which they really hoped: parthenogenesis. (But of course, parthenogenesis will never come about. The one-world elite that provokes the War of the Sexes today wants the human race to die out. Inventing another way to reproduce would defeat their purpose.)

So liberal women began to shame men into supporting their issues. But that can go only so far. When men refuse, posterity cannot come into being. It took two generations to produce an electorate that elected Donald Trump, who then appointed one originalist and two moderates to the Supreme Court, to replace another originalist, another moderate, and a liberal. Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s was the result.

Making the Gender Gap today

Ever since then, the Democrats made abortion their “wedge issue.” It won them the off-year midterm of 2023 – the Abortion Election. But somewhere in the process, the women forgot to lighten up on the shaming. In point of fact, Affluent White Female Urban Liberals really are “awful” people. They take pleasure in the shaming, and forget that part of applying negative reinforcement is knowing when to curtail it. As a guest actor in an episode of Gene Roddenberry’s original Star Trek series (ironically, portraying a Nazi) once said:

Punishment becomes ineffective beyond a certain point. Men become insensitive.

Or they become bitterly resentful, then rebellious. That’s what’s happening today. Again, James Carville warned them about that – and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) spat in his eye. Women in the Democratic Party have been doing a lot of eye-spitting in recent years. The only question was when the men were going to get wise to it and walk away.

Now they are – and they’re not alone. Enough women have stopped kidding themselves to throw the Gender Gap out of balance. These three posts by “Doctor Nancy” illustrate the worst threat Kamala Harris faces:


This is why the Democrats can’t win without cheating. Democrats, with their college-imbibed critical theory, stew in intersectional resentments. Republicans are more welcoming. Men found that out, and women are finding it out, too.

Terry A. Hurlbut
+ posts

Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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