Jay Michaelson, contributing editor to the Forward, holds a position of unearned, unwarranted, and undeserved influence. Although he writes for a Jewish newspaper, he fails to...
Thanks primarily to President Barack Obama, Iran is on a short path to becoming a nuclear power. Iran will then become the rulers of the Middle...
A propos of Israel’s Independence Day, allow me to repeat what I occasionally say: given its inept and dysfunctional political institutions, Israel’s continued existence is the...
Israel, which has the most formidable military power in the Middle East, has been the victim of non-stop Arab-Islamic terrorism since the Government signed the Oslo...
Contrary to the Virginia state motto (Sic semper tyrannis, thus always to tyrants), The Virginia State Bar (VSB) has joined the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign...
Everyone knows by now: Germanwings Flight 4U9525, en route to Düsseldorf, Germany from Barcelona, Spain, crashed into a mountainside in the French Alps. The copilot of...
The hits keep coming for Benjamin Netanyahu. Too many people wanted him to lose the Knesset elections two days ago. He won. And he might now...
Benjamin Netanyahu, current Prime Minister of Israel, confounded everyone yesterday. His Likud party won a decisive victory in yesterday’s (March 17) Knesset elections. Pollsters did not...
Earlier this week, CNAV reported on former Obama campaign staff setting up shop in Israel to campaign against Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud Party in the...
In his State of the Union address last week, de facto President Barack Obama said he had no more campaigns to run. He lied. He decided...