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Pennsylvania Republican under attack by his own party



PGA and politicians take note! And everyone else, consider taking out some insurance.

Pennsylvania is the Keystone State, symbolic of the center stone that supports an arch. However it is also a “key” in that no candidate has won the presidency in the last 50 years without capturing Pennsylvania.

Because Pennsylvania plays such a critical role in the election of the President, the recent actions of Governor Tom Corbett and State Chairman Tom Gleason must be severely questioned.  The Corrupt Corbett Coalition was conspiring to keep David Christian, a true Reagan Republican and war hero off the ballot.  Instead of supporting the best candidate, they are backing a former Democrat and Obama supporter for the US Senate, by the name of Steve Welch, who is less likely to stand up to the Obama agenda.

Pennsylvania already has one Democrat and Obama supporter in the US Senate. Why would they want another?

Once you read this strange and puzzling story, you will have to question the motives of the Corrupt Corbett Coalition and wonder what kind of deal they struck.

A corrupt bargain

At the State Committee meeting in January, Governor Corbett, through local organizations, forced an endorsement for his candidate; former Democrat and Obama supporter Steve Welch.1 Delegates were threatened with losing their jobs and were told that if any committee person stood, nominated, or seconded anyone other than Steve Welch, they would no longer be considered committee people.  It seems that the First Amendment does not exist in the Pennsylvania GOP!


Welch has put over a million dollars of his own money in the campaign2 and is the last person a Republican should support, let alone a Republican Governor.  Welch changed his party affiliation to Democrat as far back as 2006 and then admitted to voting for Obama in 2008.  After that, he changed his party affiliation back to Republican but continued to contribute to Democrat candidates, such as Joe Sestak.1 Welch even held an event for Sestak at his home.

In politics, you are known by the company you keep.  Steve Welch’s support for the very liberal Joe Sestak, a Democratic Pennsylvania Congressman is quite odd. Sestak has a reputation of being “temperamental and demanding,” and “Sestak was fired on the first day on his job as deputy chief of naval operations for warfare requirements and programs.” After that, Sestak only held lower profile desk jobs until he retired.3   The fact that Welch would support someone like that over a Republican is very disturbing and definitely calls his judgment into question.

Now we learn that  Sestak is attempting to run an occupy candidate for the US Senate4  Yes, you read that correctly.  Steve Welch, who is backed by Governor Corbett, has held fundraisers for liberal Democrat Congressman Joe Sestak, who is now attempting to put up an occupy” candidate. 4.

Welch’s vote for Obama should have been enough to have kept him from being endorsed by any Republican.  However, Governor Corbett defended him by saying, “My understanding is that he did this as part of ‘Operation Chaos… referring to Rush Limbaugh’s encouragement of Republican voters to cross over into Democratic primaries in ’08.”1

Unfortunately, for Corbett, that’s a lie.


True story of Operation Chaos

Operation Chaos was not about voting for Obama.5   As one reader commented,

“Anyone that is familiar with Limbaugh’s ‘Operation Chaos’ knows that he was encouraging people to vote for Hillary Clinton in that Primary! Welch’s vote for Obama means he is either not very smart or lying.”1

So, first the Corrupt Corbett Coalition backs an Obama Democrat, and then they lie about why they did it!6 These actions definitely call into question Corbett’s integrity, party loyalty, and motives.

The PA GOP are now using all resources in an attempt to force Republicans to vote for Welch in the US Senate Primary. In a further example of Corbett’s Corrupt Coalition, only Welch was allowed to be invited to, or speak at any Pa. GOP sponsored events throughout the entire state.7

Already there are signs that Corbett overplayed his hand. The final results of an online poll show Welch only moving up from fourth place to the third place position. David Christian, Corbett’s latest victim, is second.8 Public Policy Polling conducted a survey from March 8 to 119  Welch, the endorsed one, has been interviewed and has been attending events, yet his results show that since the poll in November, he has only increased from 1% to 5%. The survey was conducted during the time that David Christian was still settling the legal challenges and had not been on the campaign trail in over twenty days. Taking that into consideration, his stats are amazing. If, up against Casey, it shows him only 2 points under Sam Rohrer, the leader in this poll, then think what David Christian will be able to accomplish now that he is back on the campaign trail! As an advocate for Veterans, he could be picking up votes from the military and he just might be the only one who can beat Casey in November.


There were many people who came out of the state meeting reporting that Governor Corbett was pressuring everyone, and many of them said they had to vote the way he wanted out of fear or obligation and many were threatened with their jobs.  However, when there are reports of threats against people, 1 the Governor has crossed the line over to that point of “no return”…which also might now be the chant of the people when he com es up for re-election.

However, the intimidation of the Corrupt Corbett Coalition did not stop after winning the rigged convention.

People’s Republic of Pennsylvania?

David Christian, Senate candidate in Pennsylvania

David Christian in his full-dress uniform with medals. Photo: Project Shining City; used by permission.

Governor Corbett and other leaders contacted David Christian shortly thereafter, just before the deadline for the nomination papers to be filed, on Tuesday, January 21, and told Christian to drop from the race or face unprecedented challenges of his petition papers.10   Can you say “The People’s Republic of Pennsylvania?

And, that is exactly what they did. David Christian’s petitions were challenged by three people who were clearly put up to it by the PA GOP.  One of the more outrageous reasons for challenging Christian’s petitions is the claim that people signed with their nickname, not their given name.  The names that were challenged were names like Richard, Michael, Craig, Janet, Linda, Rose, Mary etc., etc.

Please read David Christian’s statement on the petition challenge. Hear more details about the calls from the Governor, David Christian’s military career, and his life in this short video of Christian speaking at a group meeting.

A Senate candidate only needs 2,000 petition signatures and David Christian got over 3,100. The Corrupt Corbett Coalition knew they could not knock off enough signatures on David’s petitions to keep him from being on the ballot.  This was a blatant attempt to tie David Christian up in court thus precluding his ability to attend important campaign events. In addition,  it was aimed at draining his campaign’s account to pay for legal fees in order to keep him from being successful in the April 24th primary.


After re-presenting his petitions and having them reviewed by an impartial judge, the state GOP was forced to back off.  David Christian has won the petition challenge and will be on the April primary ballot; however, the Corrupt Corbett Coalition has cost him twenty-one days of  legal fees and lost time on the campaign trail.   Read David’s Victory statement

The road ahead

Now, more than ever, David Christian needs support not only from the citizens of Pennsylvania but from across the country.  A message needs to be sent to Pennsylvania’s GOP establishment that the people have a right to choose their candidate.  The harassment of David Christian, his friends and family by the Corrupt Corbett Coalition and his minions will only be stopped when David Christian wins the Republican US Senate primary.  Only that victory will send the loud and clear message to the political establishment that we abhor this behavior and that we are not going to tolerate it.

David Christian is a military hero, an advocate for Veterans, and a true Reagan Conservative.   He is someone who has stood up for what he believes no matter what it has cost him.  David Christian bled for his country.  (7 purple hearts, 2 Silver Stars, Bronze Star, Distinguished Service Medal and 2 Medal of Honor recommendations.)

That is the kind of person we all need to endorse, support and get behind.  He is the type of person the country needs to turn things around.  You can read more about him on his amazing website.

If you have a radio program or blog or if you know someone who does, then please help spread the word about this injustice. Share with any military groups so they will know what is happening to one of their own, a person who stands up for their rights.


Everyone, please support David Christian any way you can. Share information and follow him on Facebook and Twitter. Volunteer to help get the word out about David Christian in order to  make up for the lost time caused by the Corrupt Corbett Coalition.  If you can, donate $20.12 and if not, even a $1, will demonstrate the support that will strike fear into the political establishment in Pennsylvania.  You can donate now at: .

Even though we didn’t know it, David Christian has fought for us many times.

Now, it is time for us to fight for him.

We cannot allow a critical state like Pennsylvania to go Democrat just because the Governor has his own agenda. You can get a better idea of the fight David Christian has ahead of him by reading the following:

PAGOP to County Chairs: Non-Endorsed Candidates Need Not Apply and the letter the PAGOP sent out to each county.PoliticsPA has both posted at


Here is the list of senate candidates with information about each of them.  

  • Bob Casey, Jr., is the Democratic incumbent.  “His support for the stimulus and the president’s signature health care law”11  and his overall voting record shows he is an Obama yes man, even if he is trying now to avoid Obama.11  Casey claims to be pro-life but his actions say otherwise.12   You can review his voting record and other information at VoteSmart13 andother sites.  He has voted with Obama 97% of the time.

Republican Candidates

  • David Christian owns a consulting company that helps American companies sell their services and products to emerging nations around the world.

He is one of the most highly decorated US Army Veterans to come out of the Vietnam War: 7 Purple Hearts, the Distinguished Service Cross,14 two Silver Stars, a Bronze Star, nominated for the Medal of Honor twice and was the youngest commissioned officer since the Civil War.15 He is listed as one of the past national commanders holding a lifetime position on the Board of Directors for The Legion of Valor.16

He was instrumental in creating job training programs for returning Vietnam veterans and helped make Pennsylvania the only state compliant with federal employment law for returning veterans. As a result, tens of thousands of our veterans have found meaningful jobs.

He has advised U.S. Senators and 6 different Presidential Administrations, with his closest relationship being with Ronald Reagan.  He was called to Washington to solve problems in an insecure world. Relying on his international contacts, the government sent him to Cambodia, Bosnia, Russia, Lithuania, Chechnya and other dangerous places that were critical to the security of the United States. David was tasked to gather information and debrief U.S. officials.15 He is also a former Fox News Military Analyst.17

  • Sam Rohrer was elected to the State House in 1992. Rohrer voted in favor of the 2005 legislative pay raise, as well as voting in 2001 in favor of a plan to increase lawmaker pensions by upwards of 50 percent.18  He also ran for Governor in 2010, and lost 69% to 31%.19   His voting record and stances on issues can be found at VoteSmart.20      He spend 18 years in the Pennsylvania legislature and did not get a single bill passed and signed into law.  He did nothing as a state senator.  Do we really need someone who did nothing as a state legislature become a do nothing U.S. Senator?
  • Marc Scaringi, an attorney who has never held public office and has been running for a year and a half.  He announced his run Nov 2010.21  He, however, has not picked up the support he expected, and is placing in the bottom two in various polls.[8][9]
  • Tom Smith was a 2010 Armstrong County Democrat committeeman22…yes, Democrat.  He changed to Republican so he could run for U.S. Senate 6 weeks before declaring his candidacy. He has put over $4 million into his own campaign23 and says he will put more if needed.  Do we really want someone who just thinks he can buy the vote, let alone a candidate who has spent a lifetime as a democrat?
  • Steve Welch, “The Establishment Choice,” who “switched his party registration to Democrat in 2005, donated money to former Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak in 2006 and voted for President Obama in the 2008 Democratic primary.”24  He has run twice before yet says he is new to the process.  See the article written about how new he really is.25


NOTE:  There is additional material listed for your review that was not included in the writing.

David Christian


Senate Campaign Website:

David Christian for U.S. Senate Facebook!/pages/David-Christian-for-US-Senate/268007499881009

David Christian Twitter:!/DaveChristianUS

Veteran Tributes:

Legion of Valor Officers:


David A. Christian

Dave Christian – Video from group meeting discussing threats on volunteers, his military, and more

PAGOP Attacks American War Hero’s Senatorial Campaign.

David’s Victory statement

From the Desk of Sharon Angle:  Endorsement of David Christian.!/note.php?note_id=10150623466568610


And the Award for First SuperPAC in the Senate Race Goes to: David Christian!

1  Pa. governor draws ire for interfering in state’s Senate seat battle by John Gizzi, Human Events. March 3, 2012

2. Welch Announces $1 Mil on Hand by Keegan Gibson. PoliticsPa. January 3, 2012.

3. Sestak has bad rep with staff, paper reports by Zachary M. Peterson. Navy Times. September 4, 2007.


4. Sestak Fundraising for ‘Occupy’ Challenger to Schwartz  by Keegan Gibson. PoliricsPA. March 7, 2012

5. Is Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos Working?  by Jennifer Parker. ABC News. May 6, 2008

6. Gov. Tom Corbett Apparently Doesn’t Understand His Own Randy LoBasso. Mar 12, 2012.

7. PAGOP to County Chairs: Non-Endorsed Candidates Need Not Apply by Keegan Gibson.   February 7th, 2012.


8. Rohrer Wins PoliticsPA Reader Poll by Keegan Gibson. PoliticsPa. February 28th, 2012

9. Poll: Rohrer Leads Senate Field, But Trails Casey by 15.  by Keegan Gibson. March 14th, 2012. PoliticsPa.

10. David Christian – Video from group meeting discussing threats on volunteers, his military, and more

11. Casey Navigating Obama Relationship, By Sean Sullivan, National Journal. November 30, 2011.

12. Sen. Bob Casey’s voting record questioned by Scranton pro-life leader, video, WILK 103.1 FM,


13. VoteSmart

14. Veteran Tributes:

15. From the Desk of Sharon Angle:  Endorsement of David Christian.!/note.php?note_id=10150623466568610

16. Legion of Valor Officers:

17. David A. Christian


18. Question to ask all candidates: Did you vote for the pay raise?  By Oren M. Spiegler.  March 8, 2010.

19. Department of State Election Results

20. VoteSmart

21. Scaringi  to run for U.S. Senate Thursday, by Thom Casey, November 18, 2010,


22. Pennsylvania Republicans mull Senate endorsement: Party divided over large field heading into weekend meeting. By Colby Itkowitz, The Morning Call. January 27, 2012,0,1603471.story 

23. Smith Leads GOP Self-Funders Running Against Casey, By Sean Sullivan. National Journal. January 4, 2012

24. GOP Field Against Bob Casey to Be Narrowed this Weekend, By Kevin Brennan. National Journal. January 27, 2012


25..Steve Welch says…   by David Madeira, The David Madeira Show, 94.5 FM

26. The Real Sam Rohrer

27. Burns Exits Senate Race  by Keegan Gibson. PoliticsPA.  February 2, 2012.

This article originally appeared here at Project Shining City.

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Nathan Bickel

I can’t help but think that if David Christian’s name was anything other than “Christian,” the Pennsylvania Republicans wouldn’t have been so dogged in their efforts to thwart his candidacy.

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