Republican Puppets Fold Like a Cheap Deck of Cards
Governor Chris Christie pulled Republican strings yesterday, and the Democrats cut the lines.
Today, many Conservatives are grateful that New Jersey’s Puppet Master’s nominee for the NJ Supreme Court, Judge Bruce Harris, went down in flames (7-6). Shockingly, every Republican voted to confirm Harris’ nomination. But the Democrats voted against him. Conservatives (including this writer) rejected Harris, not on account of his homosexual lifestyle, but on his activism and religious prejudices. (see story “Governor Christie Betrays the People of New Jersey, Again!). But how did the Democrats earn the praise for stopping Harris? Either New Jersey’s Republican Puppet Master is losing his grip on the strings, or his opponents have found a way to cut the lines.
With a Democratically controlled Judiciary Committee usually wanting to prove their tolerance, they should have confirmed the Harris nomination by a large majority. After all, Mr. Harris can check off two of their criteria:
- He’s gay.
- He’s a Black American.
These two traits play well to their liberal base. Normally, our so-called Conservative God-and-family Republicans would put on a performance worthy of a Shakespearian Oscar – appearing to take the high ground with just enough of them voting to confirm Harris. But the breakdown of the vote was anything but normal.
What Really Took Place in Trenton?
Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-3-Gloucester) bit#h slapped Governor Puppet Master Christie to let him know just who is in charge! In so doing, Sweeny masterfully placed Christie’s anointed senate candidate, Joe Kyrillos, in jeopardy. Kyrillos’ choice:
- Turn on Christie and risk losing his Puppet Master’s endorsement.
- Risk losing the Conservative Republican base by voting to confirm Harris.
Interestingly, Sweeney stood on the sidelines during the proceedings. He chatted with minority leader Tommy boy Kean, Jr. (R-21-Union). When asked what he was doing there, the Star-Ledger (Newark, NJ) reported that he said,
I believe as leader of the Senate, you should listen to all sides.
Hypocrites on both sides of the aisle – puppets and puppet masters.
Republican hypocrites
The above shows what players the Democrats are. This writer could focus on that argument alone. Instead, let us move on and look closely at the hypocrites that run the Republican Party in New Jersey.
First on my list is Senator Kyrillos – Mr.-I’ll-reach-across-the-aisle (RINO: Republican in Name Only). The Puppet Master himself touts him as a conservative. By voting for Bruce Harris today he showed just how conservative he is (not!). Mr. Kyrillos, if you go to Washington as our Senator, will you reach across the aisle to vote for a nominee with the same credentials as Mr. Harris for Supreme Court Justice of the United States?
In my article “A Party Without Shame: Silence the Opposition” (May 11, 2012), I warned that Kyrillos lacked credibility. He has just proved me right. If you want a true independent Conservative without strings attached, I suggest all voters on both sides of the aisle read City on a Hill Political Observer’s article on Mr. Kyrillos’ and Sen. Menendez’s worst nightmare: Bader Qarmout.
The Republican establishment believes all Republicans will dangle from the Puppet Master’s string and vote down the line – hanging on to Flip-flop’s (Romney’s) coattails. The strategy of “Anyone but Obama” may work for Governor Romney. But we have another choice for U.S. Senate: Mr. Bader Qarmout. In sharp contrast to him, Joe Kyrillos is just another one of Christie’s puppets.
Unfortunately, Kyrillos is not alone. State Senator Jennifer Beck (Monmouth) also did one heck of a tap dance to Governor Christie’s tune. One thing for sure, Senator Beck’s tap dance during the hearing showed that the citizens of Monmouth County would serve themselves best by returning her to civilian life and getting her out of the legislature. The Star Ledger reported her comment:
Harris’ legal background – not coming from the ‘political elite’ in Trenton – was refreshing rather than a handicap.
Hopefully the voters in Monmouth County can replace her in 2013, with a true Republican. I believe a good replacement would be Monmouth County Freeholder John Curley. He has shown himself a true Conservative.
Republican Kevin O’Toole (Essex) also made a complete fool of himself:
He (Harris) could rule on same-sex marriage in an impartial manner.
He further said that he was pleased Harris was so concerned about the appearance of impartiality on the bench to the public.
That’s what we want from our judges.
In fact (again according to The Star-Ledger) during the break from the hearing, O’Toole summed up Harris’ testimony in one word “excellent.” But the all-time best was O’Toole saying that he was
troubled by the Democrat concern about the lack of court room experience.
Excuse me – we are talking about a seat on the highest Court in New Jersey! Perhaps O’Toole also thinks a Community Organizer would make a good president.
Wanted: men and women of principle
Abe Lincoln once said:
Better to remain silent and be though a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
This hearing shows that New Jersey’s legislators lack values, ethics and basic common sense. We should throw all those in both parties out of office in 2013.
New Jersey desperately needs men and women of principle to run for office in both political parties. If Romney wins, Christie will most likely pack his bags for Washington, DC For the past two years I’ve said that if Romney wins, he would choose the Puppet Master for Attorney General – not vice president. If Christie cared so much about his good friend and next-in-line for the Republican machine, Joe Kyrillos, he would have moved heaven and hell to postpone the Harris confirmation hearings until after the June 5th primary. Lucky for us he didn’t. So we got a good look at what this United States Senator wanna-be would do in Washington when facing a nominee for the highest court in the land.
The Harris nomination was an ill-fated political calculation for Kyrillos but a good one for Christie. Just in case Obama beats Romney, Christie would run again for Governor. Christie nominated Harris to appease the gay community for his veto of the Same Sex Marriage Bill. But he had to throw Kyrillos under the bus to do it. Sadly for Kyrillos, he wasn’t savvy enough to see the play. The Puppet Master has shown time and again that he’s nothing but a progressive politician without values or principle. His biggest problem is that the people of New Jersey aren’t as apathetic as they once were. This time, they are watching and they will remember every first Tuesday in November.
The Eagle
Disclaimer: The views expressed above are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of CNAV or its senior administrators.
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Now I know who to vote for in the primary on Tuesday, Joe Kyrillos. The senate needs people that will work across the isle and not stick with ideological leanings.