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UN Agenda 21: one State fights back



The United Nations, and especially its General Assembly, is chief instrument of globalism and international government today, and precursor of world government. (And zero population growth) The UN works against the sovereignty of nation-states.

This week, Wisconsin kept its governor and let stand his laws that cripple public-sector unions. But before that, Alabama did something more important to lovers of liberty. Alabama passed the first State law to forbid Sate or local governments to take private property to further UN Agenda 21.

The Due Process Property Rights Act

Alabama Senate Bill 477 is brutally simple. Under its terms, neither the State government, nor any county, city, town or village in Alabama, may take private property to further environmental ends. The bill mentioned UN Agenda 21. (It also named the 1992 Rio summit where George W. Bush, to his shame, signed onto it.) But the bill further forbids such takings to further any other international environmental plan like it. Indeed, SB 477 broadly forbids furthering any “international law or ancillary plan of action,” for any goal, that “contravenes” the US or Alabama constitution.

The bill goes further still. It forbids State and local governments to enter into any kind of agreement with any of the UN agencies and “non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations” that the UN has set up to further UN Agenda 21.

The bill passed the Alabama Senate and House with unanimous votes. Last month the governor signed it. And no mainstream media outlet said a word about it.

Until two days ago. Then, James Delingpole, the bête-noir of environmentalists in Commonwealth countries, said that “Wisconsin and Alabama just helped save the world.” And he did not exaggerate.


UN Agenda 21 In Their Own Words

The United Nations, promulgator of UN Agenda 21

The flag of the United Nations. (Public domain as per UN policy.)

This page is the official gateway to UN Agenda 21 at the UN. Investors Business Daily today summarizes its real goal: to abolish private property.

Land … cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market.

The Constitution says otherwise. Most people quote Amendment V to cite this linchpin of criminal defense:

[No] person…shall be…compelled to be a witness against himself.

But Amendment V also says:

[No] person…shall be…deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. Nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

How refreshing that a new State law actually mentions the Constitution and seeks to enforce those key words!

This map shows how far the UN wants to go to turn the United States into a gigantic wildlife preserve. It would leave very little land for humans to live in, and that includes military reservations. UN Agenda 21 returns vast tracts of land, and connecting corridors, to the wild. So we civilians must double up in our cities. Those cities must become more dense than ever. Enter the “mixed-use building” (the dingbat dormitory), with shops on the ground floor and apartments on the higher floors. Or maybe Scortia and Robinson’s Glass Inferno, or Richard Martin Sterns’ The Tower. Those two books came out in 1974, and Irwin Allen turned both into a true cautionary tale. In it, a 135-story mixed-use building (offices, apartments, and hotel rooms) goes up in flames after the wiring system can’t handle the electric load. When that movie first played, the critics missed the key point: the “Glass Tower” was an urban renewal project! That shows how long this kind of dystopian dreaming has been going on. (And longer than that: recall Paolo Soleri’s Arcologies, the ultimate dingbat dormitories.)

James Delingpole was right, though even he did not mention all the reasons to oppose UN Agenda 21. Alabama did just save the world, but only if other States follow their lead.



<a href="" title="Alabama forbids UN Agenda 21 in their State. Fair or foul?">Alabama forbids UN Agenda 21 in their State. Fair or foul?</a>

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Terry A. Hurlbut
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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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I see my last comment “mysteriously” vanished, so let me ask again.

Why is it that the right wing generally see the UN as a useless organisation, one to which the US does not even pay its annual dues, yet at the same time they are cooking up a plot so wide-ranging and so fiendish, even Bond villains are impressed.

There must be an awful lot of cognitive dissonance going on. Not to mention states like Arizona wasting money which could be better used elsewhere.


Right. Which they’re going to force the US – which doesn’t even pay it’s dues to the UN – to do? Do you even have any idea of the logistics such a move – if even vaguely plausible in the real world – would entail? Just where would the ineffectual UN get the millions of people needed to enforce this?

If this is the level of paranoia you’re facing, how do you get out of bed each day?

Still, at least you haven’t mentioned the New World Order yet. Although I have a feeling that’s coming.

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