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Get radical with the radicals



Barack Obama in a happier, more brazen, time for him.

True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within.

– Master Saul Alinsky/pupil Barack Hussein Obama

And no marvel;  for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

– 2 Corinthians 11:14, KJV

On the heels of the Benghazi exposé (of the crimes of this administration), I watched a press conference this morning by the families of three Navy SEAL Team 6 members who were killed along with 26 others when their helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan. The information that came forth was nothing less than surreal, obvious and very telling.

Telling, I say, that on a daily basis this administration adds insult to injury when the American people have already seen, in the light of day, that its officials are willing to defend radical Muslims (America’s sworn enemy) at every turn.

How this administration defends radical Muslims

Here are some points from the families’ press release:

  1. Obama and Biden disclosed that it was Navy SEAL Team 6 who carried out the successful raid on bin Laden’s compound, putting a target on the backs of our now fallen heroes.
  2. High-level military officials sent the Navy SEAL Team 6 heroes into battle without special operations aviation and proper air support.
  3. There was a denial of pre-assault fire, possibly contributing to the shoot down of the Navy SEAL Team 6 helicopter.
  4. Military brass, while prohibiting any mention of the Judeo-Christian God, invited a Muslim cleric to the funeral for the fallen Navy SEAL Team 6 heroes who disparaged in Arabic the memory of these servicemen by damning them as infidels to Allah.
  5. Obama went out of his way to ensure that Osama bin Laden had a proper Muslim burial.

What this shows

America, you now have an administration that is clearly at war with our republic, our Mosaic institution and our Christian heritage.

They are even willing to go the extra mile and desecrate the sacrifice of those who gave them the privilege to be in a representative, governmental position.

As seen by today’s press conference, the American people are now in a position where they are having to do what the government was put in place to do. This administration is now committing the crimes it has been put into position to prevent.

One more point …

Obama is as radical as the radical Muslims he defends

Obama’s radical plans compared to Karl Marx. Montage: Greg Tew, CC BY 2.0 Generic License

America needs to quit talking to these politicians as if they do not know what they are doing; they know exactly what they are doing.

The best the conservatives have – who are responsible for the corner the American people have been painted into – have even gone so far as to sit back and play the fool by reasoning with this unreasonable administration.

This administration is filled with lying, scheming, immoral, treasonous radicals.

America attempts to be rational with the irrational, and all the while these radicals attack America … and America loses.


No more.

This is nothing less than criminal, and criminals need to be lawfully dealt with. Simply put, it is time to get radical with criminal radicals in this most awesome God-given country of ours and bring forth justice.

The answer is found in Article II, Section 4, of the United States Constitution:

“The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

Honor the office of President by impeaching a corrupt President

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When the president attacks America’s military:

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Who is Bradlee Dean

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Bradlee Dean is an ordained Christian preacher, Radio show host for the #1 show on Genesis Communication Network from 2-3 p.m. central standard (The Sons of Liberty), a National Tea Party favorite. He also speaks on high school and college campuses nationwide. Bradlee is also an author, a husband to one, daddy to four boys. You have probably seen Bradlee through such outlets as The New York Times, Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, The Weekly Standard etc.

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“Obama went out of his way to ensure that Osama bin Laden had a proper Muslim burial.”

Excuse me? Last I checked, dumping someone in the ocean isn’t a “proper Muslim burial.”

[…] Get radical with the radicals […]

Fergus Mason

“There was a denial of pre-assault fire”

Oh FFS. What are you talking about, “pre-assault fire”? The SEALs are a special forces unit. They don’t carry out conventional assaults with a fire plan. In fact hardly anyone in Afghanistan gets “pre-assault fire,” because guess what? It’s a low-intensity conflict and we find that spraying artillery around the countryside annoys the locals and creates a lot more Taliban than it kills.

“Military brass, while prohibiting any mention of the Judeo-Christian God,”


“invited a Muslim cleric to the funeral for the fallen Navy SEAL Team 6 heroes”


“who disparaged in Arabic the memory of these servicemen by damning them as infidels to Allah.”


“Obama went out of his way to ensure that Osama bin Laden had a proper Muslim burial.”


You clearly know nothing about military matters, so it’s probably best you don’t comment on them.

Terry A. Hurlbut

All right, then, maybe you can set him straight. Merely telling a man he’s wrong is useless unless you can show why.

Fergus Mason

Actually I tried to, briefly, but I can expand.

Special forces missions aren’t generally accompanied by “pre-assault fire” because it tends to let the enemy know someone is coming. It actually INCREASES the danger to the troops. This is in fact why it doesn’t happen.

As for this:

“High-level military officials sent the Navy SEAL Team 6 heroes into battle without special operations aviation and proper air support.”

It’s nonsense. The helicopter was an MH-47 from 160th SOAR, which is a USSOCOM aviation unit – special forces aviation. And how much air support do you need to carry out a house search? Unless you want to turn the entire village into collateral damage, and all their relatives into insurgents, the answer is none.

What happened is tragic but simple: the helicopter was hit by a large explosive projectile and subsequently crashed. It’s unlucky, but if enough RPGs are fired at helicopters some of them will hit. It’s happened before and it will happen again. The only answer is to stop using helicopters and, believe me, in Afghanistan that would cause ten times as many ISAF deaths as it prevented.

I entirely understand that the families are upset and want to believe it was something other than just the bad luck that sometimes happens in combat; that’s natural. However they aren’t qualified to comment on the conduct of SF operations and neither is Mr Dean.

Terry A. Hurlbut

And how about bringing in a clergyman to say a few words over the dead, only to have said clergyman condemn those very souls to hell? Do you deny that? Were you a witness? Do you know any witnesses who can refute that account?

Fergus Mason

“And how about bringing in a clergyman to say a few words over the dead, only to have said clergyman condemn those very souls to hell?”

No idea about that; do you have a link? The idea of a muslim cleric being invited to officiate at the funeral of a non-muslim serviceman seems rather unlikely* though. Very few officers commanding a funeral would do something bizarre like that, and if any tried I imagine their Senior NCO would quietly dissuade them.

* – By “rather unlikely” I mean “wouldn’t happen.”

Terry A. Hurlbut

Well, it did.

Fergus Mason

No, it didn’t.

It is blindingly obvious that the audio in that video clip has been overlaid. Muslim clerics are not invited to wail at repatriation ceremonies at Bagram, or indeed anywhere else in Afghanistan. NO clerics are present, except perhaps a military padre. The ceremonies are not funerals or religious services; they are parades to send men home. They are also conducted by the soldiers’ unit, so what you really need to be asking here is why NAVSPECWARCOM would invite an anti-American mullah to take part in the parade. And the answer, of course, is that they wouldn’t. This is a very transparent fake; that should be obvious from the fact that the supposed mullah mocks the “prophet” Musa (Moses,) who in the pantheon of islamic “prophets” ranks just below the great child molester himself.

Terry A. Hurlbut

Then you accuse the composer of that piece of lying deliberately. Is that it? Or just whom do you accuse, and of what?

Fergus Mason

“Then you accuse the composer of that piece of lying deliberately. Is that it?”

Yes. The video is a fraud. There was no islamic cleric wailing at that parade. It simply wouldn’t ever happen.

Just LISTEN to it. The repatriation ceremony took place in a big echoey hangar. The mullah clearly was NOT caterwauling in a big echoey hangar. It’s a fake. I won’t speculate on the motives of whoever decided to crap on the memory of dead soldiers in this way, but I hope they die of bowel cancer in a country that hasn’t discovered morphine.


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