Media sleight of hand

The fact stands true that if you’re not careful, the media will have you hating those that are being attacked and loving those that are doing the attacking.
I was absolutely humored by the blatancy of the propagandists who promulgate lies through the state-run media outlet USA Today this week. Their front-page headline was “Same-sex marriage at record approval.” How did that happen? The sub-headline was an odd distraction: “Polls find more discord with court’s decision on race.” What does race have to do with same-sex marriage?
They continuously push lies to establish oppression in hopes that the American people will fall victim to their lies. They attempt to produce hopelessness for those who stand on the side of America’s God-given constitutional republic.
An example of media lies
We took the time to go straight to the source and ask the author of the USA Today article, Susan Page, how many people took the poll.
There were 1,003 adults polled by landline and cell phone.
We responded,
As a thinking citizen, how [does] polling 1,003 adults in this country become a staple of what the majority of America thinks?
Page replied,
Well, that’s a fair point. But we rely on polling (and sample sizes of 1,000 or so) to track the temperature of citizens.
She then claimed that those who take the polls are “randomly selected, then weighted for demographic size.” The article does not specify who took the poll, the demographic chosen, or where these polls were taken. Yet the title of this article is completely misleading the public by stating that America supports same-sex marriage by a “record majority,” which is completely deceptive!
Let’s quickly take this to the chopping block.
Firstly, knowing that America is a nation established under the umbrella of Christianity with 32 states that have voted to ban homosexual marriage, the results of this poll is highly suspicious.
Secondly, the good people of California voted – not once, but twice – to ban homosexual marriage. Since USA Today brought up the oddity of race, it is also important to realize that a vast majority of California Prop. 8 voters were black voters that were ignored by their representatives (aka employees), and a radical homosexual judge, Vaughn Walker, conveniently attempted to block their decision.
Thirdly, we are not ruled by polls, which have been proven to be contrived and fabricated time and time again as a tool to divide the American people through deceptive sway – we, as citizens of America, are ruled by law; not by opinion.
Media v. Facts: an example
Here is a perfect example to prove my point: On May 1, 2004, in Seattle, Wash., 20-25,000 people protested homosexual marriage (which was illegal). There were 1,500 homosexual marriage supporters holding up signs stating, “Bigots Go Home.”
The state-run media twisted the truth and told the public that the 1,500 homosexual-marriage supporters were the majority and made the 20-25,000 protesters out to be the minority, totally turning the event to be against the “bigots” instead of against homosexual marriage.
There was also an overwhelming turnout at a rally in support of traditional, God-ordained marriage during the Supreme Court hearings on DOMA and Prop. 8 in March that, of course, the state-run media chose not to cover.
Why don’t we take a poll there?
So, what exactly is it that the media don’t want America to catch on to? What are they so afraid of? The truth behind their agenda.
Watch the fallout in Canada after homosexual marriage was passed in 2005:
Think the DOMA decision is bad?
You should see what MSNBC and Rachel Maddow did to Bradlee Dean. Help his lawsuit against them. Stand for America and get your free gift <>
Bradlee Dean is an ordained Christian preacher, Radio show host for the #1 show on Genesis Communication Network from 2-3 p.m. central standard (The Sons of Liberty), a National Tea Party favorite. He also speaks on high school and college campuses nationwide. Bradlee is also an author, a husband to one, daddy to four boys. You have probably seen Bradlee through such outlets as The New York Times, Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, The Weekly Standard etc.
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