Cliven Bundy and a nation of cowards

Prior to revealing once again what duplicitous, dishonest race baiting liars infest The New York Times and the spinelessness which continues to ulcerate the Republican Party and those phonies who claim to stand for its long forgotten guiding principles, it needs to be made clear just who and what Cliven Bundy is.
Who is Cliven Bundy, really?
Cliven Bundy is a man who hails from an earlier generation, not savvy in the ways of “political two-stepping” which, while he has been struggling to keep a family business viable, has been refined to an art form by those in Washington D.C. and the mainstream media.
Cliven Bundy is hardened to the environment of hot, windy and dry deserts, where finding a small patch of grazing grass could mean the difference between life an death for his livestock, his employees and the ranch which has survived the elements for generations. He is a man who knows his mind and his heart and he is a man who speaks from them.
Cliven Bundy has fallen prey to the arrogant and manipulative progressive agenda driven press. And right on cue, as predictable as lies in an Obama hate speech, yellow bellied conservative politicians and pundits offer up their tiny little dust bunny brains to be vacuumed from the debate. But “moron” our side in a moment.
The white man’s speech code
What Cliven Bundy has failed to learn, is that white people in this new generation, have been funneled into very tiny area of free speech. He wasn’t informed that there are certain words which can’t be used, under the certainty of banishment from society, when discussing topics of race.
For example, the word cotton is just fine as long as you are referencing the undergarments of a same sex couple. The word porch, is also fine if you are talking about not being able to build one in violation of Agenda 21. But the use of these two words as well as several others, is prohibited in any sentence or phrase subjecting in race. Cliven Bundy missed that memo. He may have been occupied with something called, work.
The poltroons’ gallery
Getting back now to that despicable rag, once the go to place for all the news fit to print which has now become all the leftist propaganda that fits in print. One could forgive Cliven Bundy for falling prey to those scoundrels, as once again they edit and manipulate the words of a political enemy to fit their repulsive agenda. But those on our side, the likes of Hannity, Greta and that self serving Beck, as well as Rand Paul, all of whom know the filthy rules of this game, they instantly jump aboard the attack train, shivering in the knowledge and outrage that a white person actually used the words, cotton and porch.
Keeping in mind, these nervous poltroons, the same brilliant sophisticates who for over six years now have failed to recognize Obama for the Constitutionally ineligible race baiting Communist he is, have profoundly and assertively pronounced that a hard working private citizen is a racist dog.
Please review these two embeds. The first is the unedited version of what Cliven Bundy said. While his expertise clearly does not dwell in grammatical prose and for sure does not employ “political two-stepping”, there is not one word of what he says that can be intellectually disputed.
The second is the edited version which, for those not understanding the parameters of the business of journalism and the need to conserve time and print, left out comments which clearly show Cliven Bundy’s concern for the minorities and the harm which has come to them.
(Editor’s Note: Maybe The New York Times didn’t want you to catch those remarks. But Ambassador Alan Keyes caught them.)
Of all those supposedly on our side, the right side, Glenn Beck is by far the most repulsive with his parading around the set of the “Network you are building” gloating and bubbling with excitement over the demise of Rancher Bundy. You need to understand here, that Mr. Beck believes his audience is made up of a bunch of idiots with attention deficit disorder. What many may not know is that Glenn had put himself in a very tight pickle last week.
His viewers and his website visitors were outraged and they let him know it. If you missed it, Glenn in his typical, I’m so smart and you’re so stupid pomposity, declared that those great Americans who went to the aid of a private citizen being bankrupted by the Federal Government, were no better than the Occupy Wall Street vermin. You remember them. The drug addicted, slothful, intentionally unemployed New Americans who despise hard work and material goods. Those who whiled away their “occupy” hours raping fellow occupiers and crapping in flower gardens, curbs and on parked cars.
Granting his listeners with all the recollection ability of 4th stage Alzheimer victims, Glenn could hardly contain his glee as he refocused from denigrating patriots to joining The New York Times in pulverizing a private citizen. Great job Mr. Beck.
For Glenn’s sake and the many others who’s yellow “de-racing stripes” seem to have obscured their ability to comprehend what Cliven said. Here it is in plain language.
The Federal Government, which is dominated by lifetime operatives of the Democratic Party, have created a class of people who don’t need to work. Those people, at the detriment of each of their lives and the future of their children are used by the Democrats as pawns. The party that fought civil rights, that held a former KKK Senator in the highest of regard, is keeping the black population in a kind of slavery for the purpose of maintaining a voting block which keeps the progressives in power and in control.
in his own way, Mr. Bundy charged the Federal Government and its proxy, the Democratic Party of creating and perpetuating a form of slavery and prideless existence that may well be less gratifying than the time when they worked hard and held core family values, even as they endured the plight of slavery. Cliven Bundy did not blame Black Americans for this. He placed the blame right where it belongs. The progressives cannot have that. Can they?
If you will recall, Eric Holder, very early on in his tenure of destroying our Constitution, made a statement which infuriated me as well as others. He said
America is a nation of cowards when it comes to talking about race.
My gosh Mr. Holder, why do you suppose that is?
Reprinted from TPATH.
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[…] Cliven Bundy and a nation of cowards […]
Great article! How do I get my husband to see it this way? He’s bought into Beck’s viewpoint that this guy is just a crazy kook.
Have him consider the points Mr. Kehoe raises, and the Constitution. Esecially Article I, Section 8, Clause 17. I believe the government, by holding land that was extorted from the State of Nevada at the time of its formation, and putting it to a purpose other than the erection of a military or administrative “needful building,” stands in violation of that clause.
[…] should advise Cliven Bundy, in addition to “stay away from the press,” to file a writ of quo warranto, to ask the BLM by what authority it does anything in the […]
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