US schools achieve high Marx
Children have been targets of authoritarian manipulators for thousands of years. Today that attack gains steam, in class and on the battlefield.

Vladimir Lenin said, “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”
How Islam treats children
To understand a culture, one must look to its treatment of the children. In Africa, for instance, there are countries such as Sudan, Libya, Mali, Chad, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Liberia, Mozambique and Uganda, where war profiteers use child soldiers to battle their government. They may be recruited or kidnapped, some forced to kill family members so that they may never return to their homes. Most are boys but as many as 40% may be girls who are also used as sex slaves for the military. These are majority- or significantly-Muslim countries.
In Islam, military might is the rock upon which the faithful community is instituted. Whereas the religious message of Judaism and Christianity promotes the faith, it is the political and military strength that promote the Islamic religious message. Violent jihad is not a secondary concept in Islam’s development, but exists in the very origin of Islam, the sine qua non of the faith, which is why the Islamic culture cannot and must not adapt and accept modernity or embrace tolerance.
…even in the USA
The children are taught to carry out violence and terror, to slaughter Jews and work towards the extermination of Israel, to kill all infidels who prevent their seizure of land, and to welcome martyrdom as needed to discharge their duty. The Internet has disturbing footage of young Muslim children wearing jihadi scarves, singing about killing [Jews] for Allah, and capturing “Palestine” – in Philadelphia. Boy & Girl Scouts in Michigan are learning to support terror.
Nazis and communists
Under Nazism, all youth groups were banned and replaced by the Hitler Youth, which took millions of children away from parental influence, indoctrinated them into Hitler’s ideology, and trained them for the paramilitary. They numbered 50,000 in January 1933, and in June, Hitler warned, “If the older generation cannot get accustomed to us, we shall take their children away from them and rear them as needful to the Fatherland.” By that year’s end, they numbered two million and formed the nucleus of a dedicated and fanatic Nazi force.
Stalin was another who understood the value of child indoctrination. For the Marxist Revolution to succeed, the youth had to be treated well and educated politically. The Communist Party formalized a cult that idealized Soviet childhood beginning with kindergarten, and in youth organizations. Bearing the chilling name of “Child Science,” children were viewed as mere resources for use by the State. As parents went to work or “disappeared,” the children were kept from their family structure, taught loyalty to the state through heroic tales, and were ideologically manipulated for political gain.
Children in the USA
And now, let’s consider our country. American patriotism is defined as a cultural attachment to the United States of America. Despite many diverse ethnic backgrounds, American nationalism is the American way of life common among its citizens, with the US Constitution at the center of this national pride. Our culture emphasizes basic human rights, that “all men are created equal,” that people have “unalienable rights,” and the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Included is the privilege of education in a system of free public schools and libraries; and religion, morality and knowledge guarded by good government.
The nature of the attack
There is now a major attack, a war, against morality, focused on and raging against our children, systematized by the Red/Green (Communist/Islamic) Axis and globalists. Notwithstanding our western ideals and the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child, our children’s rights are being replaced at every level. Common Core was never implemented to raise students’ academic success, but to crush American exceptionalism, to reduce scholastic achievement so as to imbue the children with the social justice agenda. Educator Donna Garner said on August 7, 2013, “If a person wanted to destroy our American culture, keep this generation from communicating effectively with older generations, and make sure today’s children grow up detesting America instead of valuing our nation’s American exceptionalism, the best plan would be to implement the Common Core Standards (CCS) into every school in America.” And so public education was weaponized to change our nation.
Think: Child Science.
Diluting the American demographic
Other objectives include disrespecting the family unit, discouraging births and encouraging abortions (doomed to evolve into euthanasia for the elderly), promoting victimhood (encouraging anger and cruelty), endorsing the LGBTQ community and inciting inappropriate and toxic sex education (including emotionally and physically damaging sex-reassignment surgeries), portraying Israel and America as the enemy (to support terrorism), and lobbying for gun control (for an unarmed, defenseless population). By allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed by migrants with ethics antithetical to our own, we welcome a perilous environment for our children, severely strained resources, reduced academic levels, and an exploitable labor force. It should be glaringly obvious to all that the ultimate purposes of this is the destruction of traditional America and its rebirth as a collectivist State.
A recently introduced assault on our children, couched in new reading and speaking techniques, is “Flocabulary,” a digitized, Common Core-aligned tool to continue the Bill and Melinda Gates leftist plan, using clever animation, hip-hop/rap lyrics, misspelled words and incorrect grammar, designed for K-12 grades. The company’s self-acclaimed “nontraditional approach” overrides the knowledge and skills that brought success and happiness to our forebears, and subtly appropriates our freedom of speech.
The children are being trained to ridicule the “old white men” who created our Constitutional Republic; to violently denounce and disrespect differing political opinions; to waive achievement for wealth redistribution; to ignore science for the globalist distraction of climate change; and to hate straight white males, Christians and Jews. No longer judged on the merit system, students are graded on how well they adapt to the disunity and envy, based on race, heritage and political party. For comprehensive clarification, read Donna Garner’s
Devaluation of life
Wars, by their very nature, are meant to reduce population, and although Communists and Islamists are waging recognizable wars against groups worldwide, using familiar weaponry, the situations herein are meant to produce the same results. As the masses are promoting the devaluation of life with advocates of abortion, or discouraging marriage and procreation by promoting gender dysphoria, statistics show that our young are more despairing than before, more inclined to seek suicide as an escape from their emotional and physical pain.
A callousness about life is now coming out of some US states, as well as from Iceland, the Netherlands, Belgium and other countries, and the fact that that we are being moved toward the cultures of death is becoming more evident. The Black Book of Communism estimates 100 million deaths at the hands of the communist ideology, considered the greatest criminal system. The Islamic ideology is estimated to have caused 900 million deaths (600 million Hindus alone) over 14 centuries.
Winner takes all
These indicators clarify the overall intent. A war is being conducted against Israel, America and Europe with the purpose of destroying our morality and way of life, of reducing our population before some “old white men” can seize the opportunity to save our republic, and before our enemy manages to establish a tyrannical regime over all the globe – under which, from birth to death, we will be nothing more than a serfdom ruled by a One World Order. The stakes couldn’t be higher: winner takes all.
About the image
Arthur Ashe, addressing a class of children with tennis racket and Bible in his hands, guards the entrance to Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia. This is a CNAV file photograph.
Author of “Confronting the Deception,” Tabitha Korol began her political career after 9/11, with letters to the editor and essays, developing a readership and earning two writing awards along the way. Her work appeared on, Christian Action Network, Conservative News and Views, Dr. Rich Swier, iPatriot, Liberty News & Views,; Published Reporter, Renew America, Ted Belman, The Noisy Room, Trevor Loudon’s New Zeal, Virginia Christian Alliance, WebCommentary, and others.
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