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New Jersey to require lawmakers, visitors to get COVID-19 vaccine or test to enter state-house



This week, New Jersey lawmakers are planning to approve a new policy that will require anyone who enters the Statehouse in Trenton, New Jersey to be fully vaccinated or show proof of a negative test.

This includes lawmakers, legislative staffers, reporters and people of the public. The policy will be voted at 10 AM on Tuesday through a virtual meeting, and it seems to have enough support to pass. This new policy is being put in place “in the interest of maintaining the health and well-being of the general public and the public employees.”

The policy is opposed strongly by Republicans who are the minority party in both houses of the state legislature. All of the members of the republican party have sent the state Senate letters to the Democratic legislative leaders asking for them to stop and prevent this from passing, saying that they feel it would severely limit access to the state house and the legislative process as well. 

On top of having to make sure anyone who enters the building is vaccinated, this rule also goes for school tours and anyone who so chooses to enter the building. They all must show proof of full vaccination or proof of a negative coronavirus PCR test from the last 72 hours, though it does not apply to protest outside the building.

If lawmakers should choose to not comply the house will “determine whether to admit the member” and “under what conditions.” There is a slight possibility for remote voting however it is still unclear.

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