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Hong Kong’s hospitals reportedly under pressure due to spike in Omicron cases



Hospitals are at breaking point as Hong Kong is in the midst of its worse Covid outbreak.

Similar to China, Hong Kong has adhered to a zero-Covid strategy, which has largely kept the virus out but left the business hub cut off from the world. Until the most recent outbreak, all patients were treated in dedicated Covid isolation wards, and close contacts were sent to a quarantine camp.

On Wednesday, Hong Kong recorded a record 4,285 confirmed infections with a further 7,000 preliminary positives in the densely packed city of 7.5 million.

Prior to this wave, Hong Kong had recorded just over 12,000 cases since the beginning of the pandemic. Health experts say the daily case numbers could rise to 28,000 by March.

Especially vulnerable are Hong Kong’s vaccine-hesitant elderly. Hong Kong has ordered more than enough vaccines for its residents, however only 43% of those aged 70-79 and 26% of over-80s opted to get jabbed.


Last week, the government said people with mild cases could isolate at home but by Wednesday, there were still 12,000 people waiting to be hospitalised.

City leader Carrie Lam ruled out a hard, China-style lockdown on Tuesday. The following day, Beijing-controlled newspapers carried an order from President Xi Jinping telling Hong Kong authorities to take “all necessary measures” to control the outbreak.

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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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Donald R. Laster, Jr

No one who has done any research will take one of the COVID-19/Wuhan/Fauci virus injections. They do not stop the virus and make it more likely to get infected, if they don’t kill you. And then there is the known damage done to the body. There are five medications that will stop the virus. Treat the people with the medications that stop the virus and this “scamdemic” will be over.


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