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Jim Baker, FBI mole in Twitter

Jim Baker went from General Counsel of the FBI to Deputy General Counsel at Twitter. He turns out to have been a carefully placed mole.



The Federal Bureau of Investigation has once again shown itself something out of a dystopian movie. We now learn that Jim Baker, former General Counsel at the FBI, did not leave the Bureau. Rather, the Bureau assigned him as a mole in Twitter, and a high-level mole at that: Deputy General Counsel. The Jim Baker story seems to have ended abruptly yesterday, and explains the delayed release of more Twitter Files. More to the point, it illustrates the most serious hazard any troubleshooter must overcome: lack of imagination.

Jim Baker suffers the Great Reveal

Matt Taibbi, when he first broke the Twitter Files last Friday, teased more to come. It didn’t, apart from the realization that the legacy media would do everything possible to bury the story. Everyone should remember: Elon Musk promised more to come, but asked everyone to wait “a day or so.”

So we – here at CNAV and all other true conservatives – waited. And waited.

That wait might soon be over, because Matt Taibbi tells us to watch the account of Bari Weiss, editor of the newsletter Common Sense.

But Matt Taibbi also explained the delay. And the reason should shock anyone.


“Complicated” doesn’t half say it:

At least one other user asked Taibbi how many files Jim Baker managed to destroy before Musk fired him.

Further reportage on Jim Baker, who he was, how he came to Twitter, and why Elon fired him, comes from:

Who is Jim Baker?

Jim Baker shows up on The Twitter Files,

advis[ing] staying the non-course, because “caution is warranted.”

Specifically, he advised making sure the Hunter Biden Laptop Story would stay suppressed. But how did he become Deputy General Counsel of Twitter? Simple: he applied at Twitter for a job after the FBI, in mortifying embarrassment, had to let him go. (Or so everyone thought!) And Vajaya Gadde was more than receptive. Recall that she served on the Advisory Committee of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). This came out when The Intercept brought out (trumpeted?) the role of Twitter and other social media as State actors. CNAV has no doubt that Gadde received a direct order to hire Baker away from the FBI. An order she was only too happy to obey, being entirely simpatico with building a censorship regime.

From Jonathan Turley

Why did he have to leave the FBI? He didn’t. The FBI “disgraced” him in a showy manner, to give him cover. Jonathan Turley tells his sordid story:


Baker has… featured repeatedly in the Russian investigations launched by the Justice Department, including the hoax involving the Russian Alfa Bank. When Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann wanted to plant the bizarre false claim of a secret communications channel between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, Baker was his go-to, speed-dial contact. (Baker would later testify at Sussmann’s trial). Baker’s name also appeared prominently in controversies related to the other Russian-related FBI allegations against Trump. He was effectively forced out due to his role and reportedly found himself under criminal investigation. [Baker] became a defender of the Russian investigations despite findings of biased and even criminal conduct. He was also a frequent target of Donald Trump on social media, including Twitter. Baker responded with public criticism of Trump for his “false narratives.”

After leaving the FBI, Twitter seemed eager to hire Baker as deputy general counsel. Ironically, Baker soon became involved in another alleged back channel with a presidential campaign. This time it was Twitter that maintained the non-public channels with the Biden campaign (and later the White House). Baker soon weighed in with the same signature bias that characterized the Russian investigations.

Lessons learned

There you see the reassignment of Jim Baker. When an intelligence agency wants to plant a high-profile officer in another organization, they disgrace him publicly first. But such “disgrace” is Kabuki theater, nothing more. (Kabuki is a four-centuries-old Japanese theater and dance tradition that features over-the-top performances. Kabuki actors routinely scream at each other. Today the term Kabuki stands for politics – or public policy – as performance art with intent to deceive.)

Jim Baker was at Twitter to protect Deep State interests. This put him on the scene at a critical moment in suppressing the Hunter Biden Laptop Story. And now here he was, vetting a collection of files that surely implicated him in more scandal.

Matt Taibbi knew of Baker’s involvement in the laptop affair. But he must never have dreamt that Baker would be in charge of vetting the Twitter Files! These reply-tweets say it all:

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) asks a key question:

Coordination? You bet your life!


But there’s more. Elon Musk might, or might not, have been waiting for the right moment to disgrace Jim Baker – for real. But what we’ve got here, is failure of imagination. Donald Trump suffered the same failure. That’s how the Permanent Political Class has thwarted him, and the movement he started, at almost every turn. (Almost, because he critically secured the United States Supreme Court.)

One mole is gone. But how many more remain – and where?

Terry A. Hurlbut
+ posts

Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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