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Jack Smith statement is all wrong

Jack Smith, Special Counsel, dared say the USA has a system of law that applies to everyone. This is demonstrably not the case.



Jack Smith statement is all wrong

Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 16th day of June in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the criminal indictment of Donald Trump in Miami earlier this week. I wish I didn’t have to talk about it but I do because it is the most important story of this week. Primarily, I will be talking about the statement of prosecutor Jack Smith to justify his actions. And why that statement is all wrong.

Jack Smith gets it wrong

I’m going to approach this story differently from the Soros prosecution story because:

  • It is federal, and:
  • The real issue is what is happening to our country because of the obvious weaponization of the Department of Justice to attack a political opponent.

When I was in law school, my professors taught me that it is highly unethical and a disciplinary offense for a lawyer in a civil case to threaten criminal charges to intimidate his opponent, thus sweetening his civil amount. Here we have a case where the entire power of the politicians, bureaucrats, and other apparatchiks of the deep state could not win fairly at the polls. So they decided to use their immense power in a criminal way.

This use of the Department of Justice to prosecute and possibly take away freedom from a political opponent reflects on all of us. Trump’s right when he says:

They are out to get me but they are really coming for you, I’m just in the way.

Whether or not Trump was just pontificating, this misuse of what used to be justice, but is now just a weapon, is a threat to all of us. If I could get only one thing across in this report it would be that whatever side of the political divide you are on, this is a threat to all of us. It is a serious threat to the system and whether Donald Trump may have committed some jot and tittle violation of some records law is irrelevant to what is really happening.

Jack Smith is either a liar or a fool

Jack Smith, the federal prosecutor in Miami, made the following statement about the indictment. “Our nation’s commitment to the rule of law sets an example for the world. We have one set of laws in this country, and they apply to everyone.”


That statement puts Mr. Smith in the category of blatant liar or ignorant fool. But he said it with a straight face. With his background and education, I seriously doubt that he is ignorant. He does have a history of prosecuting political opponents criminally on his interpretation of an obscure statute. The U.S. Supreme Court reversed him 9-0 for his pursuit of the Governor of Virginia. Here is a short list of how Mr. Smith is very wrong about the rule of law in America.

The obvious problem with Mr. Smith’s assertion is that the whole world can clearly see how the deep state has sought to influence elections by using the law criminally against Donald Trump. Thanks to the Durham Report we know that persecution of Trump started even before he was elected President. The Hillary Clinton campaign with the full knowledge of Ms. Clinton and then President Barack Obama invented a pack of lies in an effort to steal the 2016 presidential election. No one has been and probably never will be prosecuted for this offense against the American people, and Mr. Trump.

Trump was never a Russian agent

Their plan was to portray Trump as a Russian agent and thus deny him and the American people the office of president. It didn’t work. But being totally corrupt people, they weaponized the FBI, CIA, and all the other alphabet agencies under their control. Law enforcement at the highest level was corrupted and used as a weapon against a political opponent. They used false information and complete lies manufactured by the corrupt FBI to spy on Trump and his campaign staff. All that had to be terribly damaging and distracting to candidate Trump.

But it still wasn’t enough and he was elected. So they impeached him with false charges based on complete lies by their very corrupt law enforcement and their even more corrupt Department of Justice. They charged him with using foreign government agents to help him with his 2020 reelection bid. They used a spy named Alexander Vindman, a National Security Council staffer, to bug and listen in on Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian president Zelensky, and then make false charges and lying accusations based on that call.

Ron Paul knows!

Dr. Ron Paul, long-term former member of Congress, and one of the most honorable and decent people to serve in congress has an interesting theory about the Zelensky call. With his contacts in Congress and the Senate after so many years there, his opinion is more than likely a lot more than just theory.


Democrats were furious that Trump was less than enthusiastic about their plans to use Ukraine as a proxy to go to war with Russia. Vindman, though an active-duty US military officer, was of Ukrainian background and was loyal to the country of his origin rather the country of his citizenship. He also openly defied the military chain-of-command and his commander-in-chief. Trump’s lack of enthusiasm for their “Project Ukraine” infuriated Vindman and he sought his revenge against the US President.

They didn’t stop there, not just because that didn’t totally work either. They sent the FBI to infiltrate and incite the January 6 “insurrection” then brought impeachment charges against him for that. The January 6th incident has all the earmarks of a false-flag action but the result has been the holding of hundreds of political prisoners in solitary confinement under false accusations that they tried to overthrow the US Government. Many of those prisoners have now been sentenced to long terms in prison by the totally corrupt Washington DC, US Department of Injustice and its prosecutors and juries.

Despite all that they have done to him, Trump was still growing in popularity and his poll numbers increased. With each new corrupt prosecution, he got stronger and his supporters grew more and more angry. So right at this moment poll numbers indicate that Joe Biden is so unpopular that Trump would easily defeat him in a fair election. That just can’t be allowed to happen so the weaponized and corrupt US Department of Justice obtained a criminal indictment against him after the totally corrupt FBI raided his home to gather documents.

Another motive

The arraignment of former President Donald Trump as well as his motorcade to the courthouse came off without incident. Despite dire warnings from the hideously corrupt and controlled US media that perhaps one million people would protest, there was no “insurrection” in Miami. I can only surmise that the FBI was so busy fabricating evidence against him that it had no agent provocateurs to send in time to instigate a rebellion.

Could all this, we are going to get him one way or another, coming at this exact time have another perhaps even more sinister motive? You have probably heard that the house oversight committee is investigating allocations of corruption in the Biden administration now and when he was Vice President under President Obama. It seems that in exchange for canceling the vote to hold FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress, a credible FBI confidential informant leaked information to Congress about bribes paid to the Bidens from Ukraine.

Biden took bribes from Ukraine

Mr. Wray should have been held in contempt and sentenced to jail just as Steve Bannon was when he worked for Trump, but there goes that pesky two-sided law again. The documents reportedly reveal that the Bidens each got 5 million in 2015-2016. The money paid to Hunter and Joe for Joe’s influence in getting a Ukrainian prosecutor fired. Joe later bragged on video which is still available on YouTube that he withheld one billion in US aid to Ukraine until the prosecutor was fired.


Mr. Poroshenko was then President of Ukraine. He eventually fired prosecutor Viktor Shokin perhaps the only honest man in the entire deal. Various members of congress say they have seen the documents and believe them to be credible and trustworthy. In addition, the Ukrainian who allegedly paid the bribes recorded the transaction for “insurance.” I’d like to hear those recordings. Wouldn’t you, folks?

The prosecutor was investigating corruption involving a Ukrainian gas company called Burisma for its attempts to purchase an unnamed US oil and gas company. Burisma hired Hunter Biden at a cost of 1 million per year. The company also hired the sons of Mitt Romney and Nancy Pelosi to help grease the wheels of the transaction. None of those hired by Burisma had any experience in oil and gas, only in selling influence. The FBI informant reportedly went on to name other bribes paid by Romania and Communist China to the Bidens.

Jack Smith, you’re wrong – we do not have rules that apply to everyone

So, you see, Mr. Smith, in reference to your statement about the indictment of Donald Trump, the rule of law contrary to your statement, no longer exists as the standard in America. The standard has shifted to one of graft and corruption for which there is no sanction for those members of the global ruling elite. But anyone who doesn’t play their game is subject to arrest and prosecution. All with the most noble motives of course. You’ve heard of the “October Surprise.” A President, behind in the polls, does something like start a war to help his reelection chances. Could this June Surprise be designed to help distract from a Congressional investigation? Into what at least comes close to treason?

So, the great divide in America continues and gets worse. Trump supporters see what has happened in Miami and they hear the pontificating words of the very corrupt Justice Department. And it fills them with rage. I’ve never been a Trump supporter but I will admit to being filled with rage at what this administration is doing to my country and to him. It is enough to make me hope Donald Trump is elected just to witness the investigations he would begin. Investigations against the corrupt, evil enemies of America, domestically speaking. A Democrat President shows a willingness to weaponize the Justice Department against a political opponent. That is exhibit one that the divide is more than imaginary.

Never before have we charged former Presidents

No former President has ever faced criminal charges and there are good and proper reasons for that. It’s not because they were perfect in office and angelic once they left office. It is rather because we once understood the value of this country and that its idea was perishable and fragile. The generations of the past understood that there had to be limits on the use of government power. But this group of Democrats is different. They are so good, so pure, so righteous, that anything they do is justifiable. That attitude has resulted in the total depravity of government from law enforcement to justice. Political opponents can be canceled or shut up or if necessary, locked up.


History was made in Miami the other day, but it is the kind of history that is dangerous. Millions are angry, and resentful. They feel left out, shut out of the system they pay taxes into and devote their lives to serving. This anger and mistrust of the system is boiling under the surface right now. But how much longer will it be under the surface? Is politically motivated violence in our near future because millions see no other way because their votes no longer count? I pray that is not the case, but time will tell.

Depravity in government

Finally, folks, the flashing of transgender breasts on the White House lawn after he/she met with the president, the rainbow flag flying equally with the Stars and Stripes to the prosecution of Donald Trump, all signal a growing level of depravity in government. They also signal a demand that ordinary people surrender to the forces of a degenerate evil. But at least in the minds of many ordinary people, Donald Trump is their persecuted champion. And they won’t forget it.

At least that’s the way I see it.

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle.


From; appears by permission. – Ed.

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Darrell Castle is an attorney in Memphis, Tennessee, a former USMC Combat Officer, 2008 Vice Presidential nominee, and 2016 Presidential nominee. Darrell gives his unique analysis of current national and international events from a historical and constitutional perspective. You can subscribe to Darrell's weekly podcast at

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Donald R. Laster, Jr

Everyone, and this includes the Democrats and others on the “Left”, knows these are made up offense done because the real President of the United States, Donald Trump, is an active threat to the “Left” and its agenda of enslaving people to the State. We are dealing with sedition, treason, and other crimes related to those currently controlling the US government. And Mr Biden is clearly guilty of accepting bribes that appear to qualify as sedition and possibly treason.


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