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Transition Integrity Project 2.0 – Heritage

The Heritage Foundation just ran its own Transition Integrity Project to identify hazards to our republic in the Election of 2024.



Yesterday the Heritage Foundation released the result of their Transition Integrity Project, four years after leftists released a similar document. Like the original, this new Transition Integrity Project (TIP) plays out worst-case scenarios for the Election of 2024. Unlike the old TIP, the new one starts immediately after the Democratic National Convention. Sadly, the Heritage TIP suffers from the same lack of imagination that hampered Donald Trump. Only by a miracle did they keep up with the shocking developments from, for example, the disastrous June debate. Even so, events have overtaken them, and they have not adequately considered some things that could change their outcomes.

Remembering Transition Integrity Project 1.0

CNAV wishes that the Heritage Foundation had chosen a different name for their project. The phrase Transition Integrity Project will always have an association with a campaign to plan to manage news. In fact Frank D. Miele, in his own article attending the release of the Heritage Foundation’s project document, specifically characterized TIP 1.0 in those precise terms.

Essentially, what the old report did was set the stage for Democrats and the media to dismiss any Trump challenges to the integrity of the election as predictable and false. Unfortunately, President Trump didn’t do his own strategic planning for “the worst that could happen,” and so he and his team were caught flat-footed when Democrats changed election rules in ways that were clearly illegal.

TIP 1.0 did more than that, as CNAV showed in these articles:

  1. Introducing the Transition Integrity Project,
  2. Describing Election 2020 – reality v. war game (“Game Two”),
  3. Asking what if Biden had won narrowly (“Game Four”),
  4. Highlighting (or low-lighting) the planting of incriminating evidence on a January 6 defendant’s Telegram account,
  5. Describing the Election That Never Ended (“Game One”), and
  6. Warning that the TIP planners had created a scenario that could have led to civil war (“Game Three”).

The original TIP organizers predicted that Trump would do many things patriots and freedom lovers wish he had done. Why, for instance, did he not summon the Senate and ram through as many judicial nominations as he could? And why did he not clean house, as Elon Musk did when he bought Twitter (now X)?

But even in May, when TIP 2.0 began, the Heritage Foundation had the benefit of hindsight. To be sure:

Hindsight is seldom a useful commodity, as all history seems to show. Author James blish

But when you’re making a war plan, hindsight has its value – to the extent that the enemy will repeat his own war plan.


Transition Integrity Project 2.0 – baseline assumptions

Heritage starts with the same bedrock assumption that informed Transition Integrity Project 1.0:

The incumbent is always the greatest threat to a peaceful and effective transfer of power.

Those threats, say Heritage, take four specific forms: lawfare (two forms), terrorism and information shaping. Heritage warns people to anticipate:

  • Federal officers alleging “vote suppression” and other civil rights violations, then intervening in State election certifications on these excuses,
  • The FBI, U.S. Marshals, Capitol Police, et al. arresting Biden’s opponents,
  • Terrorist false-flag pseudo-operations (or simply letting real terrorist operations happen) to scare State and local election and other officials, and
  • The Censorship Industrial Complex, already well-described, cranking up to offer an official – and sanitized – version of reality.

Fifty people – including Miele (portraying the Mainstream Media) – took part in two separate scenarios.

Participants included a former U.S. Senator, congressional staff, campaign consultants, journalists, experienced attorneys, military officers, law enforcement personnel, and academics.

Heritage sought to simulate not only a lawless Biden administration but also foreign bad actors. These included Mexico (wishing to siphon off American cash in the form of remittances), and China (wishing to repossess Taiwan). But they also take due cognizance of:

  1. How the Democrats changed our election laws in 2020,
  2. The hyperbolic declaration that, if Trump wins the Election of 2024, that election will be our last, and
  3. Things legacy and social media, search engines, and the Justice Department have done in recent years.

China might pose a bigger threat than they imagine

Actually, China might wish to repossess the entire United States, if this “leaked speech” is accurate and current. General Chi Haotian of the People’s Liberation Army delivered this racist, expansionist screed shortly before he retired in 2003. But he mentions techniques that recall the release of coronavirus from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

One must understand the purchase, by the Chinese Communist Party, of vast tracts of land in that light. This also gives new meaning to the discovery of Chinese men of military age infiltrating our borders – northern and southern. The Great Chinese Invasion will not come over the Pacific Ocean. (They haven’t the troop carriers to accomplish that.) It is happening now, on commercial airliners as well as plain old-fashioned border crashing.

The Epoch Times found this gem from General Chi back in 2005. J. R. Nyquist fittingly reproduced it on his site on September 11, 2019. A Rumble channel operator calling himself Man in America recited it in a livestream on Wednesday (July 10).


The larger point is this: President Trump should have known then that no one should trust anything coming out of China. Imagine how different history would be if, hearing of the Wuhan release, he had taken a suggestion from the Swedes. They never “locked down,” and if we hadn’t, we wouldn’t have election laws that invite fraud. As it is, General Chi’s plan seems to be in motion.

The setup

Heritage divided their participants into three color-coded cells, as follows:

Blue Cell: Biden Administration, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Congressional Democrats, Intelligence Community/FBI/CIA, Department of Justice, Mainstream Media, Big Tech/Social Media/Internet Companies, TikTok, Black Lives Matter/Antifa/Pro-Hamas, and Urban Law Enforcement.

Red Cell: Republican National Committee (RNC), Congressional Republicans, Republican Lawyers’ Association, Conservative Media, Evangelicals, Twitter/X and Truth Social, Project 2025, and Local Sheriffs.

White Cell: China, Russia, Mexico/Central America, Cartels, Appeals Court, Supreme Court of the United States, U.S. Military, Lower Courts in Swing States, and Swing State Governors.

Roles functioning as non-players/exercise facilitators: Exercise Leader, Exercise Manager, Scenario Analysts, Tech Support, and Scribes.

Notice: Heritage breaks X and Truth Social apart from the rest of social media. But they should break out a Green Cell: Gab, Andrew Torba (its head), Nicholas J. Fuentes, Bradlee Dean, et al. (Gab has chosen green as its favorite color.) These people want a true kingdom, not a Constitutional republic.

Do not assume that Local Sheriffs and Urban Law Enforcement have a “clean” division between them. Most local sheriffs will stand on the Constitution – and most urban police officers might not. But don’t assume that of all persons in either category. Sadly, the archetypal Local Sheriff, Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, is no longer active. Before you assume that your Local Sheriff will perform as Heritage assumes, get to know him.

Likewise, Heritage should have broken out Urban and Rural Officers of Election. And also, gun owners and gun store owners and trainers.


WARNING! Congressional Republicans are not monolithic. Heritage should have divided them between True Republicans and RINOs – Fake Republicans.

Evangelicals might split three ways, between Cells Red, Blue and Green. Red Cell Evangelicals must be:

  • Dispensational in their theology and Premillennial and Futuristic in their last-things thinking, yet also:
  • Determined to “occupy ‘til I come” (Luke ch. 19) and push for biblical social change.

Covenantal theologians will want to join “King Andrew.” And yes, liberal evangelicals do exist. They will join Blue Cell. They might even misapply Romans 13:1-7 to justify “ratting you out.”

Game on!

Heritage ran each Transition Integrity Project scenario in six turns, as follows:

  1. Democratic National Convention to Labor Day,
  2. Labor Day to whenever early voting starts in any given unit (i.e., county or independent city),
  3. From start of early voting to Election Day,
  4. One week from Election Day to November 12,
  5. The certification period (November 13 through December 5), and
  6. End of certification period to the Constitutional Inauguration Day (January 20, 2025).

Communications flowed freely between and among some players (almost always within Cells), and not so freely between and among others. As each game began, all players received a briefing on the circumstances peculiar to the war game they would run. Then the players relayed their intentions to the Facilitators – who played the same role as that of the Dungeon Master in Dungeons and Dragons. The Facilitators, said Heritage, “used free arbitration methods to decide which measures would meet with success.” Meaning, they would roll dice – or guess.

Social media players, whoever they were, could emulate – or change – the Rules of the particular social media platforms they portrayed.

Before describing how each game played out, they admitted that three sets of events might change every assumption they made:

  • Disposition of current cases against Trump or his supporters (beyond Trump v. U.S., Fischer v. U.S., and Trump v. Anderson),
  • Whether the Democrats will replace Biden – and if not, whether Biden will have any warchest – and
  • Biden’s demonstrable – and apparently accelerating – mental decline.

What’s missing from the games

Heritage made a mistake by limiting game play to six turns. CNAV would begin with another Turn One: between the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. Then renumber the present Turns One through Six accordingly.

Interestingly, the actual game play descriptions indicate that the players and Facilitators did take into account players like:

  • Democrat v. Republican Officers of Election, and especially:
  • The State of Texas.

But they did not take into account the Texas Nationalist Movement, the Greater Idaho Movement, New California, or other secessionists. That’s another omission that limited their analysis.

Heritage’ treatment of the FBI is uneven. On one hand, the FBI suggests that they successfully rescued a Jewish female celebrity hostage. But on the other hand, they subtly but clearly hint that the FBI laid on some dangerous false-flag pseudo-operations.

Most of all, they did not account for Patriotic militias, either in cities or in rural areas. Nor have they accounted for the effect of Biden’s disastrous debate – and indeed the insultingly heavy-handed lawfare – on polling. Virginia, Minnesota, and even New York State are in play – yet Heritage assume that Biden would carry them all, at least in Game One. Georgia’s elections remain dirty – but Heritage confidently assumes Trump will carry it.

Even more, these games assume that Congressional Republicans and Democrats will remain monolithic. Democrats will; Republicans will not.

Verdict on Transition Integrity Project 2.0

Transition Integrity Project 2.0, besides being ineptly named, falls short in light of recent events. To be sure, events few could have predicted, have overtaken the Transition Integrity Project Games. Everyone expected Biden, for example, to get through his debate pumped full of adrenaline, as on September 2, 2022. Not only did he not do so, but the carefully molded coalition between Democrats and the Mainstream Media fell apart. Would Biden have presence of mind to give a good show of backing the Chinese down from Taiwan (Game Two)? CNAV doubts it. True, Vice-President Harris might not have the smarts, courage, or organizational skills to organize a Vice-Presidential Declaration of Presidential Inability. But Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin might take that lead, if the Chinese did start something on Taiwan.


One key development has definitely overtaken Heritage: a ruling by Judge Juan Merchan to delay sentencing of Trump to September. Maybe Merchan and Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg don’t much want to start the Appeal Clock in New York’s court system.

Heritage portrayed Democratic OOEs bailing out on their assignments. But they haven’t counted on Republicans signing up to be OOEs. Nor have they modeled, say in White Cell, Teams Dominion (Voting Systems), ES&S, KNOWiNK, or other Electronic Voting Machine vendors.

In the days to come, CNAV will examine – critically – each Game. We then will run our Game, based on current events and our understanding of things Heritage did not adequately consider.

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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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