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Republicans headed for disaster

Republicans are assuming too much in the Trump-Harris matchup and neglecting their campaigns down-ticket. That way lies disaster.



The Republicans are courting disaster by assuming – incorrectly – that they have already won the election. They might look like having won, with Donald Trump as a Living Martyr of the People, Joe Biden making his whispered exit, and Kamala Harris campaigning as a full-on leftist, identifying with inverts, perverts, and venal physicians who violate every concept of their ancient oath. But they are not asking the right questions, and seem content to let someone resign and not investigate further. Moreover their down-ticket campaigns are lackluster, and some questions are emerging about whether Trump himself has lost his “mojo.” If Republicans let things slide as they are, they’ll lose – Congress at least, and maybe the Presidency, too.

Current state of the race

As mentioned, a would-be assassin (or assassins) tried to kill President Trump. They failed, but after that, Trump changed the tone of his campaign. At least one observer already is despairing of Trump’s continued determination to rid America of its Deep State. It’s one thing not to “write off” any particular voter demographic as unalterably opposed to your candidacy. But it’s quite another to seek an accommodation with the very force that tried to get you killed.

Was it the bullet or someone in his ear that changed him into a unity candidate? I hear now that he is looking at the head of one of the Wall Street banks as his [S]ecretary of the Treasury. That would be a big mistake and is the equivalent of letting the fox guard the henhouse. If you want to kill the deep state, and that is the basis of his popularity, then you don’t unify with it, you terminate it. Darrell L. Castle, Attorney-at-law, and former Constitutional Party Presidential Candidate

That would be Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase, according to Fortune and The New Republic. However, Fortune has its doubts, and expressed them two days ago. Those doubts had better have substance – because Trump needs to stay a million miles away from Wall Street!

Biden has dropped out of the race – in a soft coup no one disputes. (And Jill is still missing.) Why he agreed to debate Trump in June, instead of waiting until after the Convention, is beyond any rational comprehension. This was worse than a mistake – it was a set-up, and Republicans were the patsies. Now the powers-that-be have the candidate they wanted all along: Vice-President Kamala Harris. Already she is getting a bounce – in money, and the enthusiasm of her own base.

Republicans blowing it down-ticket

As “millennial consultant” Albert Eisenberg makes clear, Republicans are blowing it down-ticket. The RealClearPolitics polls tell the tale: Trump wins, Republican House and Senate candidates lose. Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Virginia, Maryland – states where Republicans should be winning, will send Democrats to the Senate. (California looks like a lost cause, but it shouldn’t be – no State should be.) And the Supreme Court goes with the Senate. If Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) gets to be Majority Leader again, he will tell even Trump whom to nominate. Do Republicans want to be pleading cases before Justice Florence Pan, whom the Supreme Court famously reversed in their Immunity Case? No? Then don’t let six States send Democrats to the Senate! Not when every last one of them is in play for the Presidential election.


Eisenberg is right: working-class nonwhites are fleeing the Democrats – the Democrats who locked them down, stole their livelihoods, and re-enslaved them with handouts. Republican candidates for the Senate and House should be reaching those people – but aren’t. These new voters will split their ticket, especially for incumbents or their chosen successors.

Voter rolls are still dirty

Jay Valentine of Omega4America has another alarm to sound. The voter rolls are still dirty, with registered voters listing their addresses in warehouses and big-box stores. (And as Brian Lupo of The Gateway Pundit found out, nine percent of “likely voters” are not even citizens.)

And, of course, House Democrats voted against a measure to require citizenship checks for registered voters. Why would they vote this way? Elon Musk knows: “Because they want to cheat.”

Jay Valentine has an answer: challenge listed addresses, especially for mail-in ballots. He reports using this method in the 2022 Midterms, in Wisconsin. That is why Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) is still a Senator. He even cut a video to help train people on how to mount such challenges:

In addition: last fall, half the Officer of Election (OOE) force quit, saying they were getting old for that sort of thing. General registrars everywhere are still shorthanded, and some are considering turning to temporary help placement agencies. Republicans cannot allow this. Hint, hint, hint.


Republicans need to take over the investigation

The investigation of the attempted assassination of President Trump is a farce. The Biden administration tasked the FBI with the investigation – but only of Thomas Matthew Crooks, the alleged would-be assassin. FBI Director Christopher Wray has actually suggested that a piece of flying glass, not a bullet, hit President Trump. He suggested that to the House Judiciary Committee.

Trump himself is on that case:

FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress yesterday that he wasn’t sure if I was hit by shrapnel, glass, or a bullet (the FBI never even checked!), but he was sure that Crooked Joe Biden was physically and cognitively “uneventful” – Wrong! That’s why he knows nothing about the terrorists and other criminals pouring into our Country at record levels. His only focus is destroying J6 Patriots, Raiding Mar-a-Lago, and saving Radical Left Lunatics, like the ones now in D.C. burning American flags and spray painting over our great National Monuments – with zero retribution. No, it was, unfortunately, a bullet that hit my ear, and hit it hard. There was no glass, there was no shrapnel. The hospital called it a “bullet wound to the ear,” and that is what it was. No wonder the once storied FBI has lost the confidence of America! Donald J. Trump

This same Director Wray has turned the FBI into the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party, as The Gateway Pundit and others have repeatedly shown. Wray has doubled down on this theory – and now wants to question Trump himself on that theory! (Source: The New York Times.)

Trump’s former White House physician – Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) – has responded in the only way a doctor could:

During the Congressional Hearing two days ago, FBI Director Christopher Wray suggested that it could be a bullet, shrapnel, or glass. There is absolutely no evidence that it was anything other than a bullet. Congress should correct the record as confirmed by both the hospital and myself. Director Wray is wrong and inappropriate to suggest anything else.

Director Wray is obeying orders – the orders of the Deep State. Republicans should serve notice: stop that line of inquiry, or face impeachment. For that matter, they should take the investigation out of the FBI’s hands. Keep it in House Judiciary’s hands, or call in the Pinkerton Detective Agency. Likewise, Trump should “fire” the Secret Service and handle his own security. As CNAV said two days ago, he should have no shortage of volunteers.


A pro-active campaign

Democrats are already getting their Big Bounce, because Republicans are doing nothing to dampen it. Republicans have always neglected their down-ticket races, which is why Republican Presidents preside over divided governments, and Democrats don’t. The voter rolls are still compromised, and – which should surprise no one – so is the investigation of the near-assassination. These faults lie with Republicans, because Republicans let these things happen. Republicans will either stop them from happening, or throw away the Election of 2024. And maybe never get another opportunity. Simple as.

Terry A. Hurlbut
+ posts

Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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