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Unfit to lead

The Democratic Party, and Kamala Harris, showed themselves unfit to lead in their non-response to a natural disaster.



Unfit to lead

Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 4th day of October in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about Democrats in general and Kamala Harris in particular and their complete indifference to the suffering of the people in the Southeast of the United States along with their priority of making America a one-party state similar to the pre-breakup Soviet Union.

Who passed the test of leadership?

Times of crises are the toughest test of leadership, and in that regard our current non-leadership fails miserably. Yes, it seems that Vice President Harris is a lot more comfortable begging her Hollywood friends for money than she is providing aid and comfort to Americans who are suffering and have truly lost everything. Finally, after several days of photo ops and fundraising she was apparently told by the Secretariat of Democrats who direct her that she should go down to Georgia to show some sympathy to all those southern deplorable peckerwoods who have lost everything.

I thought about calling this Castle Report “The Devil Went Down to Georgia,” But I was afraid I might run afoul of whoever owns the rights to that song. It would also be an insult to the song and especially to Charlie Daniels.

This disaster has been a different kind of disaster for Biden-Harris and her efforts to become President. Who would vote for this completely unfit and unfeeling woman after seeing her response to this disaster. Democrats and illegals I guess. Well, there are a lot of people in the Southeast United States who will not be able to vote at all this year except maybe the dead ones who can vote Democrat of course.

The federal government does not lead because they do not care

This is a tragedy of such immense proportions that sometimes a little humor is about the only way to deal with it. The federal government just doesn’t seem to care. George W. Bush took all kinds of criticism for flying over Hurricane Katrina damage but at least he went and released FEMA aid. The Harris campaign has proven so incompetent and uncaring and unable or unwilling to do anything to help people who are helpless that I don’t understand how anyone outside of Hollywood and the New York Times could even consider voting for her.


What happened to all that FEMA aid that was showered on Katrina victims? As reported by The Federalist it has been diverted to services for illegal immigrants. You heard that right folks more than a billion dollars of FEMA money provided by congress for disaster relief has been diverted to the service of illegal invaders who I’m sure will all vote Democrat. The allocation is called the Shelter and Services program to provide humanitarian services to noncitizen migrants from short-term holding facilities. That was a quote from the FEMA website. The director of Homeland Security, Alehandro Mayorkas said “FEMA does not have the funds to make it through Hurricane season.”

Seven hundred fifty dollars per person? YGTBK

So, Kamala Harris surveyed the damage and did her mandatory photo op and then offered $750 to some of the victims. No military assistance, no Army, Marine Corps, and AirForce rescue helicopters and no aircraft carriers full of disaster relief. This is not Ukraine or the Far East after all it’s the Southeast United States.

Perhaps all those deplorables perishing in the floods could find a Ukrainian flag and fly it and then the United States military would move mountains to help them. Yes, almost $200 billion for Ukraine but as for the Southeast sorry folks we are tapped out. I hope even Democrats can see how completely evil that is but no that is not something one should even hope for. The response of Donald Trump and Elon Musk, at their own personal expense to the floods has been extraordinary as has many civilian volunteers but this is not about the virtuous but the evil.

Speaking of Ukraine did you see where that pompous little guy in his sweatshirt came to America to campaign for Harris. Yes he strutted around Ohio with Biden and Harris and visited an ammunition plant where 155mm howitzer shells are made several million of which have been shipped to Ukraine to spread death and destruction to the populations of Ukraine and Russia. He and the Democrat governor of Ohio had a photo op signing the shells. I want to quote Senator Ted Cruz about Zelensky’s visit:

Who the hell is Zelensky to be trying to interfere in our election? The arrogance of this guy and the guy I’ve got to say is an absolute moron for coming to the U.S. six weeks before the election and attacking Trump and Vance. This is just dumb on his part because if Trump wins, he’s got a huge problem that just got bigger.

The war party

I credit Donald Trump with the best line about Zelensky when he said that Zelensky is the best salesman in the world because every time he comes to America he leaves with $65 billion. Personally speaking, I am glad he came. Because it illustrates to any of the American people who can manage to see and hear through the propaganda that the Democrat Party, once thought of as the peace party, is now clearly the war party.


Yes, the party of John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy has now morphed into the servant party of the military industrial complex. I want to take a moment to remind all Democrats who might somehow be listening to me, of JFK’s peace speech at American University in 1963. Many people think it was the greatest call for peace ever and it could have ushered in a new era of peace in this world but sinister forces intervened to end the chance peace and JFK’s life.

I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children—not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women—not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.

War is a disaster and perhaps the greatest disaster of all inflicted on humanity by its most evil people. Do we want people who actively work toward war and live to make it worse? Or people who want peace and who work to achieve it, though they may from time-to-time, fail?

Expecting leaders to lead

We should expect our leaders to lead especially in times when disaster strikes America, and to exude confidence and courage which the people can at least take some comfort in. When this flood was unfolding Biden was at the beach in Delaware and when asked by reporters why he wasn’t in Washington commanding he said I was commanding by phone. Then he went on to elaborate that he had spent two hours on the phone and I guess for this president that is supposed to be quite impressive. I mean he actually interrupted his beach time to get on the phone for two hours.

Do you want these evil people to remain in power essentially forever? Because if America devolves into a one-party state that is what we will have. The Democrats are working feverishly to make sure that happens and we have one last chance at resistance. I know that people always say this is the most important election ever, and if we don’t win we won’t get another chancem at least since the early 1990’s. But because of events happening now that might actually be true.

Whatever you might think of Elon Musk that is what he is thinking today and that is why he supports Trump. He hasn’t spent his life as a conservative by any means but he believes Trump’s election is vital to the future of America. In a recent Tweet he elaborated on how close we are to one party rule.


Very few Americans realize that, If Trump is not elected, this will be the last election. Far from being a threat to democracy, he is the only way to save it. Let me explain: If even 1 in 20 illegals become citizens per year, something that Democrats are expediting as fast as humanly possible, that would be about 2 million new legal voters in 4 years.

The voting margin in the swing states is often less than 20 thousand votes. That means that if the Democratic Party succeeds, there will be no more swing states. Moreover, the Biden/Harris administration has been flying asylum seekers, who are fast-tracked to citizenship, directly into swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Arizona. It is a surefire way to win every election.

America then becomes a one-party state and Democracy is over. The only elections will be the Democratic Party primaries. This already happened in California many years ago, following the 1986 amnesty. The only thing holding California back from extreme socialism and suffocating government policies is that people can leave California and still remain in America. Once the whole country is controlled by one party there will be no escape. Everywhere in America will be like the nightmare that is downtown San Francisco.

They don’t even talk about the real issues

You may notice these days that Democrats don’t talk much about the issues that confront the nation. When asked about the illegal invasion they deny that it is happening. When asked about the thousands of violent murderers and rapists deliberately released into our communities, they deny it. But they offer no counter to the reality of what is happening.

I recently talked about a 12-year-old girl in Houston who was kidnapped, tortured, gang raped, strangled and thrown in a river by illegals. I heard an interview with her mother who wants some justice for her daughter. But her mother fell short of saying Kamala Harris, tortured, raped, and murdered my daughter as I would have said. Harris and Biden deliberately let those criminals into America so they could somehow retain power at any cost and they are therefore at least as liable as the illegal criminals. They care about nothing but power. And they appear to hate the American people especially those who used to live in the Southeast.


Finally, folks, words come hard today because I am choking on my own rage and heartbreak for my beloved Southeast. I think I understand Satan, who he is and where he comes from. I am still able to read the bible after all. I understand that he has agents here on earth and I try to spot them when I can, but I simply cannot understand why people vote for them to hold power.

At least that’s the way I see it.

Until next time folks,


This is Darrell Castle.

From; appears by arrangement – Ed.

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Darrell Castle is an attorney in Memphis, Tennessee, a former USMC Combat Officer, 2008 Vice Presidential nominee, and 2016 Presidential nominee. Darrell gives his unique analysis of current national and international events from a historical and constitutional perspective. You can subscribe to Darrell's weekly podcast at

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