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Trump – the choice is clear

With twenty-six days of voting remaining, Donald Trump emerges as the clear choice, in leadership and championship of the people.



Election Season has twenty-six days to run, counting Election Day, when most voters (still) will cast their votes. In any previous election cycle, one might almost forgive some people for not knowing whom to vote for at present. That goes double for those who don’t vote, because they think, after George C. Wallace in 1968, that “there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the two Parties.” Not only is that false, but the choice between the two Presidential candidates is clear. What choice a voter makes, depends on that voter’s diligence in self-informing – or willingness to be free or slave.

Why vote at all?

Many voters, especially rural voters, don’t bother voting at all. The rural lifestyle demands independence, and that might lower the “stake” a voter has. Not many people voluntarily live “off the grid,” but those that do, might feel that the President, the Congress, and even the courts don’t affect them. In short they believe themselves to be laws unto themselves. That especially applies to Old Order Amish who have built communities almost completely “off the grid,” except for one community telephone and one community post-office station for General Delivery.As long as they leave others alone, those others leave them alone. Right?

Wrong. Beginning with the Obama administration, Democrats threw in with the World Economic Forum. They want it all – and have even (so Contributor Linda Goudsmit informs us) been working on a plot to link every man, woman and child to an “Internet of Bodies,” subject to their control. Like The Wachowski They/Thems’ Matrix franchise, or even “The Borg” from Star Trek lore.

We are the Borg.

You will be assimilated.

We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.

Resistance is futile. From Star Trek: The Next Generation, S03E26, “The Best of Both Worlds, Part One”

Democrats won’t say this officially, but talk to one of them at the campaign office canteen, feeling his/her oats. You’ll get an earful! Turn your cellphone to airplane mode when you’re not aboard an airliner? What a dinosaur!

Even laying all that aside, remember this motto from a very old PSA campaign:


Vote, and the choice is yours. Don’t vote, and the choice is theirs.

Why vote for Trump?

Actually, the rural voter’s love of independence has lately occasioned an open conflict with the government. Hurricane Helene, especially, wrecked the grid – not only for electricity but for roads, fuels, and many other things besides. That in itself might even have been a deliberate act if Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) is at all correct. (She maintains that the federal government can modify the weather – and the problem for her detractors is, it can. Those who deny this, forget about the Weather Modification Act of 1972. Jim Hoft left this follow-up to Cara Castronuova’s original piece – and he had even more information along this line.)

Deliberate or not, Hurricane Helene was an opportunity to make people grateful for a government’s helping hand. That’s how Barack Obama snatched victory from the jaws of defeat in 2012 after Hurricane Sandy came ashore. (Or so the people thought.) But the Biden administration abandoned the residents of North Carolina. Donald Trump called attention to the problem, and mobilized assistance from Samaritan’s Purse and SpaceX, purveyors of Starlink. But President Biden lolled at the beach, and Vice-President Harris continued with her fundraising tour. Meanwhile, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) hindered volunteer disaster-relief efforts. Elon Musk caught them at it, and shamed SecTrans Pete Buttigieg into removing the interference. (“FEDGOV wants to be the only hero,” said one witness.)

From Helene to Milton

But the story of the government’s botched emergency response doesn’t end there. Two nights ago, another hurricane – Milton – came ashore south of Tampa Bay, Florida. Milton did his share of damage, including taking the roof off the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ stadium. (The storm also injured a CNN reporter trying to cover it live – fortunately his injuries were not terribly severe.)

In contrast to his feckless North Carolina counterpart, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) mobilized every resource he had at his command. In addition, both Samaritan’s Purse and the United Cajun Navy moved into position before the landfall. But then Gov. DeSantis had a quarrel with Vice-President Harris over his decision not to call her. Instead he called the President himself – apparently he had to try several times, but both men agree he did get through. Harris was apoplectic, and accused DeSantis of playing “selfish political games.”

Who exactly was playing games with whom? Why, for instance, did Harris order a C-17 loaded with relief supplies, intending only to get her picture taken next to that plane, and not to send those supplies anywhere?


In contrast, Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) has been in his district directly coordinating with local leaders.

Rep. Donalds gave an interview to Rob Finnerty of Newsmax, in which he mentioned billions in leftover funds FEMA refuses to spend. Said Donalds of Harris:

She’s cosplaying as a leader.

All of which to say: we cannot rely on the federal government to help people in the stricken areas.

Trump is genuinely for the people

Trump made a name for himself in 2017 by cutting taxes across the board. And yes, he definitely did abolish the estate tax in that Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Now he’s promising more tax cuts on his whirlwind tour of the country. Philip Wegmann at RealClearPolitics has the details.

Among other things, Trump promises to restore the State and local income-tax deduction that did go away in 2017.


I will turn it around, get SALT back, lower your Taxes, and so much more.

He also promised to repeal all taxes on Social Security benefits, regardless of “adjusted gross income.”

Lately he has discussed another adjustment to the American tax system. The United States is the only country that taxes the overseas income of its citizens. If Trump has his way, this will end. This could be a direct assault on another Democratic stronghold: overseas citizens.

Wegmann deserves credit here for mentioning a key difference between Trump’s “no tax on tips” proposal and Harris’ copycat proposal. Her proposal has a catch: it limits this benefit to those making less than $75,000. She also intends to boost the base wage of those that earn tips, from $2.13 an hour to $7.25 an hour. Does she suppose those workers will still have jobs? The entire premise of the tip economy is that the customers support these workers directly. If hotels, restaurants, fast-food joints, etc. have to do it, they won’t hire as many. At least under Trump those workers remain economically attractive.

What has the other Party done?

In addition to abandoning hurricane sufferers to the elements because they have a history of voting wrong, Democrats have made groceries well-nigh unaffordable. ZeroHedge reports record-high consumer prices last month, and significant increases in all expense categories. And what has Gov. Tim Walz (D-Minn.) to say about it?

Going to the grocery store, you see false information.

Actually that might be a misquote – but the real quote is worse.


We see some of the data but data doesn’t impact people in their daily lives going to the grocery store, you see false information.

In other words, Walz denies the price increases. But what does he know? His every appearance in any retail establishment has been a study in awkwardness. This clearly indicates neither he nor his wife ever shop for groceries, except as a campaign photo-op.

As CNAV has noted before, the Democrats have imported a cadre of “guests” who clearly don’t know how to behave. They include the Haitians of Springfield, Ohio, who have eaten all the stray cats – and are now eating the non-strays. They also include gangsters who have taken over apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado, and now collect rents from other tenants. This afternoon, Trump spoke directly to that issue – in that town. In fact, people stood in line for as long as eight hours to get in to hear Trump. By some reports, people started walking through brush to that rally, when buses wouldn’t run.

This tallies with another report from YouTube influencer Liberal Hivemind. Apparently someone planted a Trump/Vance flag on a pier in Naples, Florida – while Hurricane Milton was roaring in.

He looks for all the world as if he’s storming a beach alone.


That last scene shows the loyalty Donald Trump now commands from his supporters. This should surprise no one, for he has shown leadership where his opponent has shown venality, callousness – or cowardice. Moreover, he has shown what he will do for the people; Harris has shown what she will do to them.


Mark Mitchell of Rasmussen Reports told Bannon War Room guest host Ben Harnwell yesterday that Kamala Harris is in trouble.

Between now and election day, she needs an act of God to win.

He probably means the Devil, but even that un-worthy cannot act without Divine permission. So, barring that, Trump will win. In that case, the only question remains, what kind of House and Senate he will have to work with. But the American people must follow through on the sentiments they are showing now. Vote, and the choice is indeed yours.

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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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