Rude American offers European independence
Vice-President J. D. Vance gave the European elite a bracing message: the free ride is over. If he did not fully acknowledge American complicity (actually, he did), then that’s because he and his boss, President Donald J. Trump, intend to put an end to that. But they must also examine the Miilitary Industrial Complex, the likely actual motherlode of waste, fraud and abuse.

Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 21st day of February in the year of our Lord 2025. I will be talking about the remarks of Vice President Vance at the annual Munich Security Conference as well as the European response to those remarks. In addition, I will talk a little about DOGE and its examination of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC).
Vance, the Rude American, jolts European elite sensibilities
Yes, J.D. Vance spoke to Europeans about their relationship with the U.S. at the annual Munich Security Conference which had as its main emphasis the U.S. role as the guarantor of European Security and the European and American roles in Ukraine. He called the Europeans out for censoring their people and for allowing third world migrants to destroy their communities. He seemed to indicate that these policies were not in the best interest of the European people and they also hinder our fellowship with them. I will point out that those have also been the policies of the United States for at least the past 4 years and in part for all the years since 9/11. But the European elite bought what the Biden administration was selling to them hook, line, and sinker.
I suppose he was telling Europe that that the new sheriff in the U.S. believes in free speech and in preserving the quality of life for the American people. The subjects that Vance discussed in his speech were, in my view, an admission that the empire is in trouble and changes have to be made right now to save a free republic for our children. The debt faced by the country will lead to ultimate collapse and chaos and something must be done to change or at least slow the process of that looming disaster. The content of his speech acknowledged that reality without really saying it out loud.
The Military Industrial Complex is the worst offender
Taking all the bloated and wasteful departments and all the wasteful people who are supposed to be working for the federal government into account the MIC stands out and presents itself head and shoulders above all the others. It fails every audit and purports to tell us that we don’t even have a right to ask where all the money goes because it’s just none of our business. It spends trillions and has trillions that it admits to having no knowledge of. The federal government with more than 36 trillion as debt seems to have no other choice but to keep feeding the monster. Vance was trying to tell our European allies that this administration understands the problem and is not afraid to confront it.
The money is real isn’t it? And those who receive it know where it comes from and where it goes, don’t they? They have used it to buy almost every member of the House and Senate. Once again, they use our money in a never-ending cycle to generate more revenue from the people who create it. The American people, with their labor extracted from them by these corrupt people and organizations, are forced to keep feeding this monster so the cycle continues. It all is apparently just a giant, terrible scam and always has been but we are constantly brainwashed or at least propagandized to accept it as real and necessary.
Proper accounting is a myth
It’s a myth, but a sacred myth held close to the heart of Americans. U.S. troops, our sons and daughters, are stationed all over the world manning bases in some 700 places around the world but the number is just an approximate guess because nobody seems to know for certain how many there are. They involve themselves in almost every conflict that comes along many of which the federal government creates either deliberately or through stupidity and bumbling. These power brokers, bought and paid for, play the grand game on the grand chessboard at a cost to the American people of an admitted 1 trillion per year. Trillions more go unaccounted for as I previously mentioned.
How safe does this make America?
We hear constantly that it all makes us safe and free and so often the opposite is true. When I was a Marine Corps officer more than 50 years ago we young officers heard in classrooms that we were the enforcement arm of American foreign policy which was determined by our civilian leadership. Ours was not to question orders but to follow them to the letter and carry out the foreign policy decisions of leadership. The troops, on the other hand, were told nothing, but they were expected to fight hard for freedom and for the safety of their loved ones. They were comforted by the knowledge that their sacrifice made the safety and freedom of their parents, wives, girlfriends, possible. It was all a scam created by horrible people who remain insulated from the sacrifice of the battlefield and the carnage they created.
Maybe they get it
Maybe, just maybe, this administration has seen and understands what has been happening and has decided to put the ravenous beast on a diet. The firepower industry, the MIC seems to be under attack by this new administration. The Doge team has been given the Pentagon, the holy ground of the MIC, as a place to audit and review. In other words, sacred cows are now on the altar if the people can just get past party bickering and the propaganda and support the examination wherever it leads.
The Pentagon has been directed to turn over a list of probationary employees with an expectation that many could be laid off. In case you don’t know probationary employees are those with only one year or less on the job. In other words, they know when hired that they are on probation for a year and could be kept or let go at any time.
Here is a quote from old friend Bill Bonner which illustrates what Musk might say to the Pentagon brass.
We’re here to root out waste. No useless aircraft? No easily sunk ships? Close unnecessary bases? Stop useless weapons development? Fire some of the 3 million people who get our paychecks? Tighten our belts? Cancel our beach-house plans? Yeah, that’s right. What about our enemies? What enemies? You know perfectly well that there is no country on earth capable of crossing the ocean with a viable armada. They’d be wiped out by missiles and bombers before even leaving port. Uh, what about Russia, China, terrorists? Are you kidding? Russia has a tiny economy. China’s economy depends on selling stuff to Americans not attacking them. And terrorists have never been anything more than a fake enemy.
Will it happen?
O.K. that might happen but it’s one thing to cut spending by USAID but when you start cutting spending for the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force, that’s a whole different level of resistance. Folks, I wonder if you know the last time the Pentagon had its budget cut. Well, it was after WWll or about 80 years ago. When the troops came home they were demobilized. General Eisenhower, who I will argue knew more about war and the military in general than any president since cut 30% off the Department of Defense.
That was before the MIC took over the country and became its symbol, its very definition and gained control of both political parties. I wonder if any of this will work out well enough to head off the coming disaster. The president seems to understand the problem and has taken steps to lighten the nation’s burden of political operatives known as 4-star officers. Those generals and admirals gained 4-star rank, in many cases, by playing the game well and feeding the beast who in turn fed them.
Vance told the European elite what someone had to tell them
So, Vance called the Europeans out for censoring their people and for abandoning their people to criminal migrants. He was right to do so despite the screaming. Things are so bad in Europe regarding its migrant population that its only a slight exaggeration to say that in Sweden not only is the rape of thousands of young Swedish girls by migrants not a crime, but the reporting of rape, and the complaining about rape are considered to be worse crimes than the rapes. I suppose the censoring of speech about reporting and complaining was at least part of Vance’s agenda, at least I hope it was.
The European politicians in attendance stated to reporters after the speech that they now see America as an adversary. So, listening to your own people, the ones you are elected or appointed to serve, instead of censoring their complaints is somehow seen and treated as a threat to democracy. Once again, that is the opposite of the truth and by its very nature, democracy or the will of the people is hindered or extinguished. One reporter said that “a prominent German politician” told him that the speech was a direct attack on European democracy. A senior diplomat told the same reporter “It’s very clear now Europe is alone.”
European Democracy ≡ the bureaucracy of Brussels
This is just me folks, but I suspect the European Democracy they are so afraid of criticizing is, in reality, unelected bureaucrats in Brussels. Vance himself when talking later about the speech and the reaction to it said, “The transatlantic elite have created so many institutions to silence their own people and to delegitimize the beliefs of the public. Of course, the Biden administration was the worst offender.”
Yes, Mr. Vice President, I was waiting for you to acknowledge that we in America have done essentially the same thing you are criticizing the Europeans for. I suppose the difference is that the administration you serve has pledged to change that policy. The Munich speech created a firestorm of a different variety. The German Defense Minister can be seen on the video after the speech visibly crying at the podium. The Minister’s name is Boris Pistorius and he quickly let the U.S. know that he was not happy.
This democracy was just called into question by the U.S. Vice President, not just German democracy but that of Europe as a whole. If I understand him correctly he compares the condition of Europe with what prevails in some authoritarian regimes, this is not acceptable. This is not the Europe where I live.
What is the Europe he lives in?
Well Minister, with all due respect, my guess is that the Europe you live in is not the one the people who are overrun with rampant criminality live in. I doubt very seriously minister, if you go to bed at night terrified that your 12-year-old daughter might be gang raped by criminals invited into your country by the European democracy, but many of your people are terrified of that prospect. The speech, I suspect, hit a little closer to home than anyone imagined. He noted for his audience numerous examples including social media censorship, arresting people for sharing unpopular opinions, and the supporting of overturning election results in Romania based on an alleged on-line Russian spending campaign.
A uniquely European problem – Ukraine
Remember last week I blamed the Romanian election debacle on the U.S. by way of USAID, and I still do. But apparently the US used its European proxies to do it. Trump and Vance haven’t done any of this stuff. So they are criticizing the Europeans knowing the Biden administration, whoever the president actually was, did the same and worse. For example, if the Biden administration, and it appears the president personally ordered it, hadn’t destroyed the Nord Stream Pipeline, then Trump would not be able threaten them with tariffs unless they buy more American oil and gas. They would instead have plenty of inexpensive Russian gas and they would have no need to buy ours. There would also be a more peaceful Europe as Europe would have been in a position of cooperation with Russia rather than constantly in military conflict.
That brings up the whole question of Ukraine where this administration has let it be known that acknowledgment of reality is the order of the day. Secretary of State Marco Rubio acknowledged that this is a multipolar world. The belief in a unipolar world run by America has been deep state unquestionable policy since 1990 so that acknowledgment is no small thing. The Secretary of Defense acknowledged publicly that Ukraine cannot enter NATO as Zelensky continues to demand.
Trump makes an appropriate – and momentous – phone call
When Trump called Putin and talked about standing down from war and reducing military spending it was perhaps the most important international call since JFK spoke to Khrushchev. The core demands of Putin’s 2007 speech at the Munich Conference setting out the possibility of peace have now all been met or are ongoing. It has been approximately 35 years since the Soviet Union collapsed and perhaps now we will put aside the grand chessboard and start keeping our word to each other.
Finally, folks, the greatest thing any president has said to us in many years is Trump’s words outlining his desire to have a future meeting with the leaders of Russia and China.
One of the first meetings I want to have is with President Xi of China, President Putin of Russia, and I want to say, Let’s cut our military budget in half. And we can do that.
At least that’s the way I see it.
Until next time folks,
This is Darrell Castle.
From CastleReport.us, appears by arrangement – Ed.
Darrell Castle is an attorney in Memphis, Tennessee, a former USMC Combat Officer, 2008 Vice Presidential nominee, and 2016 Presidential nominee. Darrell gives his unique analysis of current national and international events from a historical and constitutional perspective. You can subscribe to Darrell's weekly podcast at castlereport.us
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