Tulsi Gabbard, unusually for a Democrat, speaks the truth to her Party's establishment about foreign policy and political corruption.
Did Trump really withdraw from Syria, or is he posturing? He would have good and sound reasons to posture and not want to say all he...
The impeachment of President Trump is key to a plan to bring in a new generation of unabashed socialists to take America over.
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has eclipsed Joe Biden in the 2020 nomination race. Time for a hard look at her and her programs.
The official story of the drone attack on Saudi port facilities points to one enemy only: Iran. But who might benefit from lying about that?
Discredited theories of overpopulation and overutilization are the latest propaganda from the Left to justify a political takeover.
Military veterans commit suicide significantly more often than the rest of us. Is it because they're simply war-weary? Will anything stop it?
Socialism is State-sponsored theft. That makes it immoral and unethical. Those who embrace this trend, have abandoned morality for expediency.
Anyone who believes Jeffrey Epstein killed himself, ignores much evidence to the contrary. Many would benefit from his death, enough to ensure it.
The United States withdrew from the INF treaty and ostensibly blamed the Russians. But China, not Russia, is the real target.