Hospitals, doctors, and coroners have an incentive to overreport coronavirus and also to curtail patients’ rights in ways they would not otherwise tolerate.
Anthony Fauci dares tell people he represents science. In fact, as longtime journalist Lara Logan observes, he is more like Josef Mengele.
Propagandists like Al Sharpton, and useful idiots like Colin Kaepernick, still try to drive a wedge between black and white.
Bill Gates has said he wants to depopulate the world. Now he also wants to punish anyone who speaks out against his goal or his methods:...
Alyssa Milano, last week, tried to push-poll people into procuring the COVID “jab” for children ages 5-11. The poll backfired spectacularly.
The Mainstream Media destroyed their credibility long ago, and are lying today. A review of the history of Operation Mockingbird is in order.
Those in Congress who talk the loudest and have been around the longest, talk like heroes. But aside from one freshman Representative, we see no action.
Colin Powell did not pursue an honorable career. He told a tissue of lies to support entry into a war America should not have fought.
Will Graham talks about sin being fun but Christian living being more fun. The Bible says neither of these things. He should know better.
We now see teachers referring to parents, who pay their salaries, as domestic terrorists, in written demands for law-enforcement action.