Politicians too often behave as if they have full authority to violate people's rights. Now we see people fighting back, using historical means.
The mayor of Bowling Green, Ky. tried removing American flags from all city buildings. And the people rose up in protest.
Bill Gates throws off on those who refuse "his" vaccines. Now his wife lays out a plan that looks like the perfect depopulation plan.
Stephen King's Dead Zone, adapted for TV in 1983 and 2003, predicted a crisis very like the SARS-CoV-2 affair. Was this blueprint or warning?
The American people have let fear of a virus trounce the Constitution at all levels, Federal and State. They should never have let this happen.
Nancy Pelosi's 3T "HEROES Act" focuses on illegals and gives them a blank check to stay. The Act's definitions are unconstitutionally specious.
Governor Tim Walz clearly is exceeding his lawful authority in closing businesses and parks. The coronavirus cannot authorize what the people have not.
The phrase essential workers and its application today, along with paid informants and curtailment of liberties, smacks of the Third Reich.
Two doctors at Stanford University exposed the disadvantage of lockdowns. Now no one wants you to hear what they have to say.
Conspiracies have been part of civilization, but one conspiracy is especially dire: to control population. Bill Gates has always been a willing partner.