Pete Buttigeig tries to judge God for a sin of his own doing. But God calls for repentance, even from the sins that are part of...
Something is happening throughout America. Americans need to know that America is literally and purposefully being invaded by Muslims.
Thirteen State legislatures have arguably committed treason by giving sanctuary, drivers' licenses, etc. to illegal aliens.
In New Zealand, and in America, gun confiscation becomes the reflexive reaction of government. Free people instead arm themselves.
False teachers, including Gospel-ignorant ministers, cause the spiritual death of millions. The chief remedy: attention to Scripture.
The federal government started arming non-military agencies, even non-LEO agencies, ten years ago. Why is Trump continuing the practice?
Our forefathers broke free of a king who held himself above the law. Should we tolerate our own representatives acting above the law?
As ye sow, so shall ye reap. So the Bible says. See what the country reaps when complacent voters "sow" abortion on demand.
If "providers" or supporters of abortion had to suffer as the babies suffer, it would stop. Stop distinguishing abortion from homicide.
“It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.” If it is not the left, then it is the right (Mark 3:25). If it...