It may be time to take a page out of the left’s play book. To the best of my recollection, the left began writing its new...
Some see the UN as incompetent, venal, and corrupt. But the UN is a worse threat than that. May in this country are using it to...
In days past it was said that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. This was a truism based on the understanding that mothers...
It is said that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. While listening to the details about Congress’ latest financial deal, along...
While on the campaign trail last year with a friend, his opponent made it clear that he was a man that could reach across the aisle...
In the recent past parents expected to send their children to government-run schools to learn the 3 R’s: reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic. But these schools have...
The Newtown tragedies have left an indelible mark on our national psyche. It is hard to fathom evil that is so vile as to assault the...
Many of us rightfully associate the words “Give me liberty or give me death” with Patrick Henry’s famous speech. I encourage you to read the speech...
Images of the Christ child lying in a manger warm our hearts and comfort our souls during this very special time of the year. The songs...
So, when did it happen? When did organizations that were developed to protect workers become organizations that oppress workers? Once the good guys in the labor...