Two New Jersey activists challenging the health care reform bill as unconstitutional will now take their challenge to the Supreme Court.
The government is mostly, if not entirely, to blame for the Great Financial Crisis of 2008. Its own documents show why.
The advocates of evolution insist that it is a science. But in fact it fails most of the tests that those same advocates set for science.
Herman Cain got the Clarence Thomas treatment, beginning last night. It didn’t work then, and it is even less likely to work today.
Democrats already have a reputation for over-the-top (and tortured) metaphors. They now can add hypocrisy and lies to the list.
The Democrats complain that Republicans have stopped their jobs bill—and what they say is ironic, histrionic, and dishonest.
Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) mistakenly equates the Tea Party Movement with “Occupy Wall Street.” Why? Because he neglects political philosophy.
Governor Chris Christie equated the Tea Party with the Occupy Wall Street movement yesterday. That was a serious mistake.
An old news clip on Operation Fast and Furious catches Eric Holder in a Watergate-sized lie. What else have he and Obama lied about?
Chairman Issa’s investigation of Operation Fast and Furious advanced to the next level today, with a very far-reaching subpoena.