As appeals court judges run from a health care reform bill appeal, their clerks have delayed the case—and broken court rules to do it. Many of...
Talks on raising the debt ceiling have broken down completely. Both Republicans walked away today, because the Democrats have nothing to say. Where the debt ceiling...
President Obama weakly tried to compromise with his Afghanistan war speech. He persuaded no one and invited military and political defeat. Summary of the Afghanistan war...
The Supreme Court said that individuals may sue when laws are unconstitutional. The health care reform bill could face 70 new challenges.
Michele Bachmann has taken criticism for saying that some Nobel Prize winners doubt atheistic evolution. She has better support than some people think. What exactly did...
Has Obama broken the War Powers Act? The debate has seen refreshing honesty—and sickening hypocrisy—by those in Congress and out of it. What is the War...
Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann both rank high in the GOP nomination race. That’s remarkable, given that Sarah Palin is not even running. Yet. How is...
The media have joined the debt ceiling battle by saying that even new Congressmen have debt, so debt is acceptable. They ignore several crucial differences between...
The Department of Justice (DOJ) wants more time to answer the appeal of a pro se anti-HCR case. That very request shows their weakness. Where the...
Does Israel have oil? The very phrase Israel’s oil could change the game in the Middle East—and provoke all-out war. Could Israel really have oil? The...