The US Department of Education used taxpayer funds to indoctrinate children to believe the dubious global warming theory.
The health care reform bill debate has turned to willful confusion on whether and how that bill harms anyone subject to it. The case of Purpura...
The Left embarrassed itself yesterday, and clearly talked too much, with its overheated rhetoric on the debt ceiling deal.
The two New Jersey men suing against the health care reform bill want an en banc hearing to stop unlawful acts and delays in their case.
The White House and Congressional leaders have a deal on the debt ceiling. It is a Trojan horse of built-in tax hikes that solves nothing.
The Democratic Senate plan to raise the debt ceiling failed of cloture. Negotiations are now taking place behind closed doors.
What would a TSA Israeli security model look like? The TSA is talking about one, but might not understand the concept fully.
The House, and nearly half the Senate, is in revolt against the Senate leadership over the debt ceiling. A deal now seems highly unlikely.
The debate on the debt ceiling is in deadlock. And supporters of an ever-growing government are deceiving the American people.
The House debt ceiling bill is still waiting for a vote. Tea Party members, in and out of Congress, do not agree that it would be...