President Donald Trump did the right thing in pardoning pro-life protesters, after his predecessor prosecuted them by a double standard.
President Trump restored his policy of no government funding for abortion, at home or abroad, in contrast to Biden.
Babies can and often do survive the abortion process – and the law should then recognize their right to live, the same as anyone else’s.
In 2025, lovers of liberty (and life) should go on offense, not only arguing in court but also directly reforming critical laws.
A pregnancy resource center medical director tells her own story of choosing life at a critical time, under difficult circumstances.
The pro-life movement will have another Congressional hearing - but it really needs to press the case for unborn life in court.
Newsweek tries to imply that women are opting for sterilization in larger numbers - with an anecdotal sample of five neurotic subjects.
Abortion, as a political stance, cannot win as successive generations turn pro-life - and already its victories are illusory.
The American Jewish vote no longer exists, because secularized Jews have broken away from their religious counterparts to embrace leftism.
Texas will not turn blue any time soon, so long as Democrats stick to an orthodoxy that goes against Texas concerns and values.