Chapter four begins with the acknowledgment of the complete failure of Columbus’ mission throughout South and Central America. Lawlessness of every kind blossomed in the New...
Liberal activists seem to have only one objective: remove Christ and infiltrate public education. The only foundation for a useful education in a republic is to...
When Columbus left on his voyage, he was the laughingstock of all royalty (except for Ferdinand and Isabella). When he returned, he was receiving personal invitations...
The situation at sea was not going well for Columbus. The crew members and the Pinzon brothers did not share his vision and therefore did not...
In the introduction to this study, I asked that everyone read Nehemiah chapters 1 through 6. Since this lesson will contain a brief discussion of the...
Abraham bargained with God to save Sodom. God agreed that if He could find 10 righteous men in Sodom, Gomorrah and three other cities, God would...
Dr. Walt Brown, Director of the Center for Scientific Creation, recently announced a new figure for his astronomical fix for the Global Flood. Like his earlier...
Has anyone ever called you a Fundamentalist or a Right Winger and meant it as an insult? Chances are if you are bold about your faith...
The Center for Scientific Creation and the Creation Science Hall of Fame separately announced today that an astronomical date for the Global Flood is now available.
Tina Dupuy recently called on government, or maybe voters (she never made clear), to “save our schools from Creationism.” I’m sure Ms. Dupuy believes her argument...