Michael Moore has proposed a comprehensive anti-Second Amendment. Far from a laughing matter, this is dangerous.
The enemies of our constitutional republic are working a change to socialism, then to globalism, then to feudalism.
In West Virginia v. EPA, the Supreme Court severely limited the administrative state by telling Congress that it, not bureaucrats, makes law.
Election law looks to dominate the 2022 term of the U.S. Supreme Court, with a major redistricting case having far-reaching implications.
Do executive powers have any Constitutional limits? The Supreme Court has two cases left on its docket to decide precisely that.
Substantive due process lets an appellate court create rights - which it can only do by destroying other rights. Time to drop it.
The pro-life side scored a great victory yesterday. But they have only taken a strategic mountain. To win they must capture hears and minds.
The Supreme Court has made it official: Roe v. Wade is no longer the law of the land. The abortion debate shifts to the States.
The Supreme Court, in Carson v. Makin, thoroughly repudiates the no-State-support-of-religion amendments by James G. Blaine.
America must become a civilizational state, or go into demographic winter. Herewith a blueprint to make that happen.