A Boston City Councillor, facing trial for corruption, will use a public defender, though she draws a six-figure salary.
Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the Queen of Insider Trading in the House, profited from COVID bailots of businesses she owned.
The Mayor of Philadelphia hired three officials convicted on felony corruption charges, on salaries totaling $235,000 a year.
President Joe Biden pardoned his son, after saying he wouldn't, and after the special prosecutor tried to whitewash everything anyway.
New York City officials, including Mayor Adams, earned $13.3 million in salaries over ten years while taking bribes.
Governor Tim Walz rewarded his campaign donors handsomely, with $15 billion of Minnesota official government business.
God commands America to investigate and punish crime, including crime by their leaders, just as He so commanded the people of Israel.
Like-minded members of Congress have created hundreds of caucuses to help them work on specific issues – including the Arthritis Caucus, the Freedom Caucus, the U.S.-Japan...
The American people tolerate things they should not tolerate. For after all, Satan has already lost the war, and God has the power.
John Podesta made the LNG moratorium decision, because he had a connection to a Russian oligarch who makes his money on LNG.