God commands America to investigate and punish crime, including crime by their leaders, just as He so commanded the people of Israel.
Like-minded members of Congress have created hundreds of caucuses to help them work on specific issues – including the Arthritis Caucus, the Freedom Caucus, the U.S.-Japan...
The American people tolerate things they should not tolerate. For after all, Satan has already lost the war, and God has the power.
John Podesta made the LNG moratorium decision, because he had a connection to a Russian oligarch who makes his money on LNG.
Joe Biden will have a host of negatives in the 2024 campaign, especially regarding China and his relationship to that polity.
Sara Jones Biden (the President's sister-in-law) has emerged as the key figure in the Biden family influence-peddling business.
House Republicans have revealed definite payments from Hunter Biden to his father, in the course of their business practices.
A California school financial officer embezzled $14 million from the district he serves and is charged with federal embezzlement.
A heavy buyer of artworks by Hunter Biden played on her connection to secure her great-niece's release from Gaza.
Pennsylvania saw a lot of Democratic dark money swaying its 2023 off-year elections. Herewith a catalog of where the dark money came from.