Interview with Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump and the Secret Service' temporary head.
The United States is supposed to be a republic, not a democracy. It is neither, and has become an oligarchy.
The near-assassination of Donald J. Trump highlights a crisis of faith in media, which calls for individuals to lead the way to truth.
Democrats - and the Secret Service - are making facile suggestions that will serve only their own agendas, not anyone's security.
The Hispanic Wall broke in 2016 and will do so again, when enough Hispanic voters realize the stakes in the Election of 2024.
Both Republican and Democratic members of the House Oversight Committee yesterday called on Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle to resign.
Kim Cheatle, head of the U.S. Secret Service, appeared before the House Oversight Committee today - and was asked to resign.
Amb. Callista Gingrich reproduces the speech she gave at the Republican National Convention, on a brighter, safer, more prosperous future.
The Democrats use divisive and hateful rhetoric against Trump and his supporters all the time. That has brought them where they now stand.
The Secret Service suffers from serious lapses, as internal emails, and a letter from Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iows), make clear.