Elon Musk is after bigger game even than his rocket ships: RINOs and radical left Democrats in Congress, which he threatens to "primary."
The Mayor of Miami captures the sense of optimism in America that Donald Trump will bring back the American Dream.
91 percent of plastic is not recyclable and becomes trash anyway, no matter how collected. To reduce and reuse, are better strategies.
Rising consumer spending does not reflect increased purchases but increased price per purchase. Purchasing power is still weak.
The proposed Department of Global Efficiency (DOGE) cannot complete its mission effectively unless Congress specifically authorizes it.
The GOP has the Trifecta - White House, House of Representatives, and Senate. Now it must govern, on the vital kitchen-table issues.
Donald Trump has hired two efficiency experts, Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, to cut the federal government down to size.
Two consultants from opposite sides find that voters chose the candidate who could bring down the cost of a Thanksgiving meal.
Home-base battery storage will NOT make new transmission infrastructure unnecessary and, beyond grid-failure scenarios, is uneconomical.
Two authors describe how the embrace of communist China after Mao died was the greatest strategic mistake America made.