Does Star Trek have a future? Most probably not. The same craft failures that turned fans off, have not improved. The rights holders and head writers...
Louisiana is under water. The Chicago Tribune (yes, the home town paper of Barack Obama) headlined on August 17th:
Fifty years ago next month, Star Trek had its premiere. That people still talk about it today, testifies to its phenomenal success. But many, perhaps most,...
In 1830, Congress passed, and President Andrew Jackson signed, the Indian Removal Act. Over the next several years, Andrew Jackson forcibly removed the Cherokee and other...
Many people around the country have asked me to explain socialism, its inherent evils and its likely effects on us as individuals. Here I will try...
I have said that if I were elected, two of the first things on my agenda would be getting the United States out of the United...
Could anyone picture this? Today’s political climate has seen a rise in young adults who think Communism is a good thing. During the Cold War such...
Trump is not a liberal nor a conservative…he’s a pragmatist! To a certain extent Ben Carson also fits this mold.
In his classic Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville writes: “There is hardly any human action, however particular it may be, that does not originate in...
Any questions that the Trump candidacy and run for President of the United States isn’t a true revolution were dashed by the near-riot in Chicago from the...