This fourth instalment of the Silk Road Notes series shows the distorted picture the Cleveland Museum’s Silk Road exhibit gives to the development of writing and...
An exhibit, “1001 Inventions” is now showing worldwide, and what appears to be a small section, regarding the Silk Road, is on display at the Cleveland...
The debate on Christianity in class has reached the ultimate irony. Those who object to it, forget one thing: you cannot keep Christianity out of class...
The world lost two of the greatest acting talents who ever lived and worked over the last forty-eight hours. Robin Williams tragically strangled himself. Lauren Bacall...
This article was written by [Dwight Kehoe] in response to and because of a conversation [he] had with a TPATH reader. His identity will, at his...
As the details about Common Core Standards (CC) are revealed, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Gates) have emerged as the prime donor enabling the facilitation...
Last year I wrote an article entitled “Resurrecting Sodom.” In it I chronicled seven events in our nation’s history that I believed were leading us down...
Gregg Edwards, New Jersey’s Deputy Secretary of Higher Education recently launched a personal email attack on me following my Common Core presentation, then called for open...
Patrick O’Donnell’s Plain Dealer articles of April 17 and 20, regarding Common Core, stated that our educators were surprised that Common Core tests were tough. Why...
Rutger’s University has been making the news lately – but not for any exemplary accomplishment. Recently, the University had invited former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice...