The arrest of Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, exposes the Deep State for what they can do to people, and what they fear.
Free speech is definitely at stake in this election. The Biden-Harris administration never respected it. A Trump-Vance administration will.
Gov. Tim Walz (D-Minnesota) has a radical record on every issue, the last thing Kamala Harris needs when trying to win swing States.
The Democratic Party is running a campaign of lies, especially announcing a headliner who never showed, not to mention hypocrisy.
Donald J. Trumlp and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. have just formed a historic partnership - if they know how to make it work.
Today Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his campaign for President and endorsed Donald J. Trump, probably seeking a special appointment.
Reviewing the formal acceptance speech by Kamala Harris at the 2024 Democratic National Convention - a case against Trump.
Kamala Harris, representing the (Un)Democratic Party, has a plan to "fix" the economy that will destroy it instead.
The Democrats charge that Republican candidates and their supporters are crazy, but if their Convention is any indicator, they are crazy.
Though Tim Walz is surrounded by Ivy League educated fellow politicians, he attacks Sen. J. D. Vance over his Yale education.