An Arizona official asked Hawaii to verify the Obama’s birth certificate. Obama eligibility activists in Arizona and New Jersey took heart.
Yet another unknown candidate won a Senate nomination last night, and beat the establishment to do it:: State Senator Deb Fischer of Nebraska. Even more amazingly,...
The Tea Party is alive and well. Last night they won a singular victory. Their favorite, Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock, beat long-time Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN)....
Ron Paul captured delegates in Maine and saw his own people become delegates in Nevada. This complicates matters for Mitt Romney. Those delegates might, or might...
Barack Obama’s “Julia” is the perfect symbol for liberals: a woman who depends on government as husband, father, and caretaker. Even if government really works that...
The Republican National Committee threatened Ron Paul supporters in Nevada: appoint delegates as we say, or your delegates may not sit. And they demand that the...
The Ron Paul delegate strategy is twofold: win delegates other than in primaries, and select delegates that must vote for other candidates, but only on the...
Much of the nation’s attention focuses on the presidential campaigns. But the Senate races are almost as important. Given the track record of the man now...
On Monday night April 9, 2012 Brit Hume stated during an interview on Fox News that being critical of someone’s religion only helps the person being...
Twisting old and revered adages is a risky business in a world that has become historically challenged and patently perverse. The risk is that many may...