Georgia provides a stable electricity market, and that’s why it’s getting the data centers and other big electricity consumers.
Home-base battery storage will NOT make new transmission infrastructure unnecessary and, beyond grid-failure scenarios, is uneconomical.
Utility companies have been self-serving partners of government since their inception, and sacrificed reliability for virtue signaling.
Undisciplined spending on so-called reliability enhancements to the electric grid have reached a point of diminishing returns.
The American Legislative Exchange Council has proposed a model bill to ensure reliability of electric power from whatever source.
Policymakers now confront a stark reality - they were never going to make dispatchable generation (power plants) obsolete.
The Department of Energy, responsible for the energy habits of other federal agencies, wasted electricity in its offices.
The market for nuclear energy is distorted, with plant owners addicted to subsidies and unwilling to find willing investors.
The results of the recent PJM capacity auction portend skyrocketing electricity prices due largely to lack of generating capacity.
The Biden administration spent billions promoting battery-powered electric vehicles (BEVs) when many alternatives are available.