So-called green energy runs counter to the very principles of conservation, and thus do far more harm to than good for the environment.
America needs a positive energy agenda, one that emphasizes more energy rather than less, and promotes sound engineering.
The SEC's climate disclosure rule does not serve investors and serves instead to diminish the supply of energy for the country.
Natural gas lobbyists lie about coal, talking about pollution that doesn't exist or is far less than believed, to win a spuriious acceptance.
Grid-enhancing technologies (GET) do exist and are now necessary to ensure the delivery of more power to more power-hungry customers.
Toyota prefers to achieve decarbonization in many ways, not in battery EVs alone, and has developed promising alternatives.
Climate change panic and typical associated policy presents four problems. Society should emphasize abundance of energy.
Consumer choice should be the byword regarding the next generation of automobiles, not mandates for battery powered electric vehicles.
This election should be the energy election, because America must choose between one who took choices away, and one who gives them back.
America needs a better energy policy, one that emphasizes all sources of energy, not renewables only, and addresses Chinese pollution.