Many in Central Asia must rely on traditional energy (wood, lump coal, or unmentionables) that is mis-labeled as renewable energy.
The head of GOPAC gives his endorsement of Chris Wright for the post of Secretary of Energy, calling him an advocate for humanity.
Iran is suffering a crippling energy crisis, largely of its own making and not due to sanctions, and they have no quick fix.
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s EV promotion road trip exceeded expense allowances for hotels and, ironically, gasoline.
Drill, baby, drill is all very well, but prices will take time to come down, if they do at all. Trump can at least hold them...
Chris Wright, nominee for Secretary of Energy, will strike a balance between environment and energy production.
Several revolutionary engines, more efficient and cleaner-running than typical Otto or Diesel engines, might obviate electric vehicles.
Chris Wright will strike a balance between energy extraction and environmental sensitivity, a balance sorely lacking today.
Georgia provides a stable electricity market, and that’s why it’s getting the data centers and other big electricity consumers.
Natural gas is the cleanest energy available now - today - and is also the most abundant and easiest to use.