The concept Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is a wholesale attempt to redefine justice as revenge on the meritorious.
Elite universities have received $45 billion in government contracts and tax breaks over the last five years.
An elite 1 percent want to ban everything that makes ordinary Americans free - and learned that arrogance at university.
An English professor at the Naval Academy says we're producing leaders who act to look good, not in the best interests of the country.
The head of Accuracy in Media reveals that they deployed the Doxxing Trucks, and why they targeted Claudine Gay and other DEI warriors....
Two activists for a revival of civics describe how better civics education can counter antisemitism by refuting its most basic assumptions.
Groupthink is the rule in academia, because new applicants always tell the decision makers what they want to hear, often not the truth.
Why did a medical school just hire a professor of poetry? Ask the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine - and her father the dean.
Claudine Gay blundered badly by playing the victim after having to resign as President of Harvard University.
Claudine Gay resigned after her habit of plagiarism became too much to explain away. Those who still support her, demean themselves.