Jewish Americans face a crisis of leadership and must also judge whether the Democratic Party are their protectors - or their enemies.
In a revised edition, Joan Swirsky details the carefully taught Jew hatred by those in power in the United States today.
Two American Council of Trustees and Alumni officials call for a donor revolution against egregious leftism and antisemitism at colleges.
Darrell L. Castle presents three views of the Fourth Arab-Israeli War - Israel, HAMAS - and taxpayers shelling out to war profiteers.
Seismic reflection would prove useful in mapping the network of tunnels HAMAS has prepared beneath the surface of Gaza.
The political right has a beam in its eye regarding Israel and who is in the right in the Fourth Arab-Israeli War.
The International Olympic Committee might move a swim meet in Doha, Qatar, because Jewish and Israeli swimmers fear for their safety.
Israel and HAMAS are each pursuing a strategy that can only lead to more civilian death in Gaza - and neither side is turning away.
HAMAS locates all its command and control amidst its civilian population. israel must fight HAMAS where they are.
"Fair fight" is a foreign concept to HAMAS and therefore inapplicable. Israel is fully justified in its conduct of the war to date.